As part of the book-writing process, I’m going through pretty much everything that we’ve covered here at Ducksnorts over the past year or so. One question we asked last November was whether Brian Giles‘ 2006 was a blip or the beginning of a slide. Among other things, we looked at a slew of historical comps [...]
Tag Archive for ‘padres’ 
Kings of the Road
I was hoping to have the next installment of our Operation Center Field series ready, but I’m still hacking through the data jungle. Instead, I’ll share a few items I found along the way that might help you win a bar bet or three: MLB Road Home Runs in 2007 Brewers: 110 Padres: 99 Phillies: [...]
Cogs in a Machine
San Diego Fires Yeah, our city is going up in flames. I’m okay, but a lot of folks I know aren’t doing so great; I hope you’re not one of them. If you want to follow what’s going on or learn how to help, I’ve got a thread open for that; otherwise, and intending no [...]
Friday Links (19 Oct 07)
I’m making excellent progress on the book. Drafts of two chapters — Best by Position in Padres History, Kevin Towers Trade Register — are complete, and I’ve gotten started on two more — Player Dashboards and Commentary, Overlooked ex-Padres. I love my job. (And I’m trying hard not to become one of those annoyingly happy [...]
Operation Center Field: Framing the Problem
I’ve been dreading this post (series of posts, really), been avoiding the subject for several months because it’s complex and difficult to frame. I’m still not ready to write about it in any meaningful way, but we can’t put it off any longer. Maybe the exercise itself will help us. The Problem Mike Cameron‘s contract [...]
Weekend Winter Wrapup (15 Oct 07)
I am gradually tracking down all the Padres’ winter-league assignments. Bear with me… Friday, October 12 Arizona Fall League Javelinas 8, Saguaros 3 (box score). Matt Antonelli, batting eighth for the Saguaros, went 0-for-4 with three strikeouts. He’s 0-for-9 with a walk so far. Reader JP compares Antonelli to former big-leaguer Steve Sax, and it’s [...]
Friday Links (12 Oct 07)
I saw Brian Giles last night. There should be more to this story, but there isn’t. All I can say is that presumably he likes pizza. To the links: MB at Friar Forecast is ready for some hot-stove action (that sounded better in my head): hitters | pitchers. The back end of the rotation needs [...]
Preseason Projections for 2007 Revisited
Thank you for your excellent suggestions on the book, and keep ‘em coming. Meanwhile, as part of this project, I’m taking inventory of an entire season’s worth of entries, which means that I’m still in “looking back” mode for now. In that vein, I thought it might be fun to re-examine preseason projections for key [...]
Ducksnorts 2008 Baseball Annual Preliminary Outline
by Geoff Young on Oct 10, 2007 (30) Comments
So this has been in the works for a while. Let me know if you have any suggestions. Also, if you’re interested in reviewing chapters, drop me a line and I’ll get you added to our super secret list. 2007 in Review — Brief examination of past season at big-league level: Roster construction (distribution of [...]