Nothing has happened yet, but all indications are that life is about to get real interesting around these parts. With that in mind, here’s a little something to help you through as we move forward into the unknown… Q: What the heck is going on with the Padres? A: Principle owners John and Becky Moores [...]
Tag Archive for ‘brian giles’ 
Links for 8 Nov 08
What the heck, I’m up anyway. Let’s have a little Saturday morning linkfest… Organization picks up $9 million option for right fielder in 2009. Tom Krasovic at the U-T reports that the Padres have picked up Brian Giles’ option for 2009. Score one for common sense. Adrian Gonzalez-Jim Stone Extravaganza Golf Tournament & Fiesta. Adrian [...]
Links for 22 Oct 08
Notes to self: Always add Sriracha to spaghetti sauce, stop leering at Yvonne Strahovski, listen to more Fishbone… Why not us? Comparing Royals’ moves to Rays’ decisions (Kansas City Star). Reader Didi sends this article by Joe Posnanski. There’s plenty of good stuff in here, but looking beyond the article, what gets me is the [...]
Writing the Book (6 Oct 08)
I’m happy to report that the first week of serious work on the Ducksnorts 2009 Baseball Annual went well. I made progress on several fronts: I had some good discussions with my editorial advisory board, which is just a fancy name for folks who are helping guide me as we move forward with the project. [...]
Light Posting This Week
Posting will be light this week. Nothing much is happening with the Padres right now (aside from the signings of Allan Dykstra and James Darnell, I suppose), and a few other projects are demanding my time: I’m working on a quick survey of compensatory draft picks through history — We’ve already touched on Rafael Palmeiro [...]
The Giles Non-Story
I haven’t commented on the Brian Giles waiver thing because, frankly, nothing happened. That said, because the Red Sox were involved, people are making a big stink, so here’s my two cents. First off, pretty much everyone gets placed on waivers this time of year. That’s not a news item. Second, I’m hearing a lot [...]
Here’s to Humble Foundations
That was satisfying. We took the in-laws out to the ballgame — sprung for Toyota Terrace seats, first time this year. They picked a good time to visit. Mom is from the old country, but I was heartened to see that she chose to root for the home team rather than Hiroki Kuroda. She digs [...]
Hit or Be Hit
I had some computer issues this morning, and I’m still wading through draft material, so I’ll save my thoughts on how the Padres did until Saturday or Monday — then we’ll have the entire draft to look at anyway. Based on the information at my disposal (which obviously is much, much less detailed than what [...]
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