IGD: Padres @ Cardinals (27 Sep 06)

first pitch: 5:10 p.m., PT
television: Channel 4SD
matchup: Chris Young (11-5, 3.55 ERA) vs Anthony Reyes (5-7, 4.92 ERA)
preview: Padres.com
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The Minnesota Twins and San Diego Padres are tied for the big-league lead with 17 wins in September. The Twins have lost 8 games this month, while the Pads have lost 7.

Only the Toronto Blue Jays (2.66) have a better ERA than the Padres (2.80) in September. Opponents are hitting just .236/.298/.373 against Padres pitching. The club has outscored its opposition, 114-77, this month.

Tonight’s starter, Chris Young, has the second highest ERA (2.92) among Padres starters in September and he almost tossed a no-no last week. If ever there were a time to use the tired cliche “firing on all cylinders,” now would be it.

Go Padres!

113 Responses »

  1. I’ve always had an active imagination….

  2. lead walk….lets go Padres…lets get some runs…..

  3. pitching change in the middle of an at-bat….don’t see that often…at least LaRussa finally took off his sunglasses…

  4. we should PH for sledge here

  5. Sledge is our pinch-hitter

  6. Crap. Still like our chances, ‘pen vs ‘pen, but we should have hung 3 or 4 minimum on Reyes tonight

  7. Is Knott still on the team?

  8. 4-3 Rox now.

  9. 4-3 Dodgers..bottom of 6

  10. sorry..i’m an idiot…4-3 Rox… (this is what happens when I talk to myself too much)

  11. re 55: exactly – he’s discombobulated as a starter, hence the 0-4

  12. 61 Maybe we can use him as a PH for himself in the 9th

  13. lead batter on for Nats, down 5-4, bot. 9

  14. Wow, nice catch by Branyan. It’s good to be in front of the TV again. :-)

  15. 1st, 2nd, 0 outs for Nats

  16. loaded for Nats, 1 down

  17. Zimmerman at the plate

  18. The Cardinals announcers just said Prince Fielder is the favorite for Rookie of the Year. I sincerely doubt it.

  19. Full-count on RoY Zimmerman

  20. walked, Nats tie it 5-5 long fly ball and it’s over

  21. Our boy Fick at the plate, 0-2 count

  22. Miles would have been better off walking that ball over to first base. If he makes any kind of throw, Piazza’s out by a mile.

  23. Fick choked. foul to SS. 2 out now, Kearns at bat

  24. full count on Kearns

  25. popped out to 2nd ouch

    to the 10th 5-5 Phils-Nats

  26. Dodgers tie it , threatening

  27. what a play by Rolen…bad throw though

  28. pretty good — Dodgers, Pads, Phils all tied late

  29. Geez, don’t see Rolen do that too often. Much appreciated.

  30. Noooooooooooooooooooooo!

    Not bellhorn swinging a bat!

  31. Dodgers, Phils go ahead — Pads turn now

  32. Gift from 1B umpire there. Bellhorn swung.

  33. Damn, anyone but Gonzalez and we score two runs there.

  34. geez, liney’s all over the place. get him out of there

  35. Meredith is throwing, on what was supposed to be his day off.

  36. Meredith will have plenty of days to rest in November.

  37. going to the well again for Pujols…don’t like the vibe here

  38. crap. knew that would come back to haunt us

  39. I’ve defended Bochy a lot in the past, but he is completely to blame for this mess. Bringing in Cla for the sixth time in seven days is inexcusable. Terrible, terrible move.

  40. yep, that was terrible

  41. I’m a little tired of the freaking Cardinals who have to come out of the dugout and wave their helmet after ever damn home run…sit your asses down…even if you win this game, you’ve lost 2 out of 3 to the Padres at home…

  42. Can’t give Albert two shots in a row at Cla. Boch has become too dependent on Cla.

  43. next one is in the ear – he stared at that one for a while

  44. Yeah, the pose by Pujols was pretty bush. A guy who’s as good as he is shouldn’t have to resort to crap like that.

  45. maybe he read Peter’s blog and got pissed off

  46. Hell…his strike zone is about the size of a teacup already….I could hit if i knew all i had to do is wait for the pitch right down the middle belt high…

  47. Cards avoid the sweep. I’m pretty furious at Bochy’s decision to run Cla out there again. This may turn into a full-blown rant.

  48. Go Rockies and Nationals!

  49. Yep, implications aplenty – shows desparation, affects Cla’s confidence, gives Cards life and confidence against our pen (in case we see them again). Plus, if Dogs hold on, it’s only a one-game lead kids. Waste of a great effort by CY too.

    Some of this is Linebrink’s fault for coming out and not being able to find the strike zone, but multiple other viable options in the pen besides Cla.

  50. If Bochy brings in anyone other than Meredith and he gives up the homer I don’t think any of us would blame Bochy. It was Meredith’s night off after all. Bochy set his young pitcher up to fail and he showed no confidence in the other pitchers. I think we all saw that coming too, it’s not second guessing if you’re screaming at the television while it’s happening.