I finally made it to a SABR convention, and was it ever worth the wait. This year’s convention took place in Long Beach, which meant that I could attend with relative ease (having to catch a plane is usually a deal-breaker for me, but a two-hour drive is no problem).
Tag Archive for ‘baseball analysts’ 
Friday Links (9 Apr 10)
I kind of went overboard today… Gunter Finally on board the sabermetrics revolution (ESPN). Bill Simmons? Oh, my. Good man, and glad to have you with us! [h/t Baseball-Reference] Closer Bell opens door on many topics (Padres.com). Heath Bell has nice things to say about teammate Will Venable: “He’s showed a lot more power than [...]
IVIE 2009: Relief Pitchers
You may have heard me on the radio during your Monday morning commute… if you happen to live in Montreal. Big thanks to Elliott, Shaun, and Denis at The Team 990 for having me on to talk Padres baseball. IVIE community projections catchers infielders outfielders starting pitchers I’ve also got a guest post up at [...]
Friday Links (25 Apr 08)
I’m pressed for time this morning, so links are offered with minimal commentary (and there was much rejoicing): Alan Drooz at the U-T misses Mike Cameron (h/t PM). Clay Hensley’s first rehab start went well (h/t Field39). MB at Friar Forecast asks how we know when a player is done. Good question. Amy Nelson at [...]
Friday Links (29 Feb 08)
Happy Leap Day. If you haven’t participated in the Opening Day Roster contest, what’s up with that? The winner receives a copy of the Ducksnorts 2008 Baseball Annual. Meanwhile, we’ve got links: SI.com reports that Brian Giles is feeling good. So is his surgically repaired right knee. [Kevin] John Walsh at Hardball Times is searching [...]
Friday Links (15 Feb 08)
Food safety tip: “carpaccio” is Italian for “sashimi,” which is Japanese for “it ain’t cooked.” Just so you know. Super quick links today. You provide the commentary… It’s spring: Brew yourself a piping hot pot of optimism Tom Krasovic identifies five story lines to watch in Peoria (h/t LynchMob) MadFriars.com talks to Corey Brock (h/t [...]
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