Search results for ‘brian giles

Shaken and Stirred

I’ve lost track of who’s actually on the team. Not counting Ramon Hernandez, who is expected to sign with the Orioles, here’s what happened on Wednesday: Mark Sweeney to Giants: According to the U-T this is 2 years for $1.8M. Sweeney is a great bat off the bench but a liability on the bases and [...]

2005 in Review – Center Field

Hey, someone actually bought a Ducksnorts cap. Thanks, dude (or dudette), for making my day! So we’re up to center field now in our review of the 2005 season. The Padres brought in hometown talent Dave Roberts last winter to help shore up the position, but how well did that plan work? [Previous entries in [...]

Monday Morning Notes

Spent a good chunk of yesterday down at Hospitality Point. Didn’t do much, mainly just read some David Sedaris, listened to the iPod, and stared at sailboats on the water. I live about 15 minutes from the beach and can’t be bothered to get down there more than a handful of times a year. That [...]

Friday Free-for-All

So this can be kind of an open thread for whatever’s on anyone’s mind. I’ll throw out some ideas; take ‘em or leave ‘em, throw out some of your own. Whatever floats your bizoat. Brian Giles. Woo-hoo! What’s up with this crazy market for relievers? Leif Garrett. You’re in charge of the Padres; what do [...]

Giles Stays!

As first reported by Richard at Friar Faithful, Brian Giles will remain in San Diego. According to the U-T, the Padres and Giles have agreed to a 3-year deal worth $27M, plus a club option for 2009 at $9M, with a $3M buyout. (Shout out to Peter for providing the U-T link.) Discuss. Dance. Shout [...]

Boatload o’ Links

Cautionary tale from La Casa de Joven… Wife: Get a haircut, you look like Leif Garrett. Me (busting out some crazy old school moves): Hey babe, I was made for dancing. Long, awkward silence. Really. Long. Really. Awkward. Silence. Wife: Get a haircut. Anyway, some of these links are kind of old, but not as [...]

2005 in Review – Left Field

If you enjoy a train ride, you can leave Solana Beach just before 7 a.m. and arrive at Santa Barbara in time for lunch. If you go on a Sunday, you can eat an excellent brunch at Eladio’s, just a few blocks from the station, toward Stearns Wharf. Then you can walk around the beach, [...]

Nady for Cameron – Part 3

This may come as a shock to those who know me, because I am one of the biggest Xavier Nady supporters around, but I actually like this deal for the Padres. My first choice would have been to give Nady a shot to play everyday, but it was pretty apparent to folks who watched the [...]

Mailbag: Special Vinny Edition

The Adam Eaton to Texas rumors continue to float around but as yet, nothing has actually happened. Meantime, we’ve gotten some real good responses on the Brian Lawrence – Vinny Castilla trade so I thought I’d run a few letters, comments, and the like. Enjoy… From the venerable and ubiquitous Anonymous: I heard from a [...]

Notes from the AFL

I had planned to take copious notes during my trip to the AFL. Unfortunately, I spent most of the time hopped up on flu medicine and found it hard to concentrate. But I am pretty good at remembering esoterica so I think we should be okay. With the caveat that I saw most of these [...]