IGD: Padres @ Giants (1 Jun 08)

Randy WolfPadres (23-34) @ Giants (23-33)
Randy Wolf vs Tim Lincecum
1:05 p.m. PT
Channel 4SD
AM 1090, FM 105.7, XM 184

Padres look to sweep in San Francisco on Sunday. It’d be nice if someone other than Lincecum were standing in their way.

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119 Responses »

  1. Barrett takes a humpback slider that should have been lifted or driven to right field, then rolls over on a pitch like he was in charge of pre-game fielding practice.

  2. #50@PM: Don’t hold back. Tell us how you really feal. LOL

  3. That was close at 1st. Good call though.

  4. Good inning for Bell. Let hope the bats show some redemtion.

  5. #46@130tom330: I’m thinking were gonna get some ‘bonus’ baseball today. (again)

  6. Wilson has sick stuff. 88 mph slider that breaks like that.

  7. #55@Turbine Dude: I am thinking Clary is going to give up a run.
    It seem I have lost my ability to suspend disbelief.

  8. #56@Tom Waits: Yeah, you basically stand in the box and say WTF was that?

  9. #55@Turbine Dude: All right, more bonus b-ball! I’m starting to feel that if it doesn’t happen in the 13th it doesn’t happen. Start typing, we’re headed towards bonus frames, you know the drill!

  10. #59@130tom330: I’m glad to see that nothing happened like what happened to CY there.

  11. Horrible at bat by Iguchi

  12. Gooch looked like a windmill there.

  13. D-Backs beat the Nats 5-0.

  14. Lets go Giles!

  15. AGONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Hombre!

  17. Bad day at the office for Giles…. Gonzo goes yard! Sweet! All -Star!!!!


  19. I think I just peed my pants! This is why I love this game so much.

  20. YEAHHHH!!!!!!


    Thank god. I’s gots a ton a shiznitz to do.

  21. Way to go AGON, lets get the sweep.

  22. Geez, I didn’t change the channel fast enough and Trevor gave up a hit.

    My bad.

  23. Wow, Trevor almost yanked that.

  24. Trev needs to get his sh*t together.

  25. Dammit Trevor! Lucky that didn’t give up the winning run. But, Hoffman will still find a way to screw this up. Grrrrr.

  26. Hello sir… I’d like to buy a ticket for the Trevor Is Done bandwagon? Where’s the booth around here?

  27. Well, must admit. I thought that Giles’ hit to that wallon Fri night shoulda been a dinger. On that note, that shoulda been a game winner as well. This one’s done.

  28. Trevor appologists… what’s the excuse this time?

    That pitch to Lewis was terrible.

  29. I just don’t get why Trevor gave him anything that he could hit. First base was open and walking him would have setup a double play. Unreal.

  30. #77@Steve from Boston: Dude, Trevor isn’t done… just ask 70% of the posters on this blog (as well as the host of the website)

  31. WTF Edgar!!!! Make an attempt at least! That was bread and butter DP regardless of where the runner was!!!

  32. 81: Okay… well… all I’m sayin’ is… put me in line with that %30. Which probably cranks it up a bit higher.

    *I* think Trevor is done.

  33. That was a GIANT kick in the groin. Somehow, on the verge of our first series sweep (on the road, no less), this seemed eerily reminiscent of the Rockies game last year. Hopes up… hopes destroyed. Ah, the cycle of being a Padres fan.

  34. Another Padres blunder. Edgar had no chance for the DP. This is all on Trevor’s head.

  35. #83@Steve from Boston: I’ve been resisting the notion for 2-3 years now, defending #51 when ALL my Pads buds claim he’s washed up. The numbers don’t lie. I dont like seeing him in non-save situations, but he’s still my guy (barely) in a save situation. That said, I wouldn’t mind seeing Heath Bell take a shot once in a while. 0-4 doesn’t look good, and there was nothing good about that inning. E-Go doesn’t have to make that play if the first three batters don’t light up the HOF-er.

  36. Trevor is done as a top level or even an average closer. Of course people will try to argue against that, but except for the tired “small sample size” argument, they have nothing to back up the opinion that he isn’t.

    Edgar blew it there, but he didn’t throw BP to Lewis, that loss is all on Hoffman.

  37. #84@Marsh: Good call on the Rockies game comparison… Trevor was just knocked around today….

    I watched the DVR replay of the Lewis pitch… Barrett set-up off the plate outside, and had to move his glove 18 inches back over the plate….. it was 85MPH, right down the middle… which means it was a batting practice fastball.

  38. Certainly, dont have the confidence in Trev I used to. Been a rough last 20 appearances, ever since T Gwynn Jr stuffede us last October. On that bitter note, I’ll see/talk to yall next road trip, gotta go watch the debacle that is the ’08 season in person for the next 10. Between the Cubs, Mets and Doyers, things may be rough for a bit here. Don’t lose the faith, we get within 6 games by the all-star break and its anyones division. GO PADRES!

  39. This is reminicent of that game last year. At least Tony Gywnn and Cal Ripkin knew when and how to bow out gracefully.

  40. I’m kind of late to this IGD but I had to throw in my two cents. Terrible pitch to Lewis. That is inexcusable to throw a BP fastball on 3-2 with a base open. But I’m more disturbed by the fact that our best defensive player (KG) is sitting on the bench with a two-run lead. There is no reason why Edgar is still in the game at that point. He did well but it’s his just his first ML start at SS. The game is on the line. We need the best possible defense on the field. Bad non-move Bud.

  41. Bottom line is that Buddy got outmanaged there in the 10th. After Vizquel bunted the runners over he should have intentionally walked Lewis. He should’ve done it again when the count went to 3-1. And Boch made a great move by putting on the hit and run when Castillo was behind in the count.

    Also, Khalil Greene should’ve been playing shortstop by this point.

  42. Gee, for a minute there, thought we had turned a corner. Thought I was gonna be a fan again.

    What was Egon thinking. Greene would have made the play.

    Crap. That really sucked.

    Its the Michael Barrett curse. Got to move him before the damned plane falls out o the sky.

  43. 0-4 record

    11 saves in 14 chances.. (78%)

    ERA: 5.49

    Appologists unite!

  44. Also, it’s very easy to criticize Hoffman now, but where were you all this past week when he pitched three perfect innings, striking out five of the nine batters he faced?

  45. This team needs a little spark to avoid the normal letdown after a Hoffman blown save. How about a Chase Headley call-up for tomorrow’s series? Zambrano is probably not the easiest hitter to face in his first game as the LF but I like his chances better than P-MAC.

  46. #81@Richard D.: You’re not required to post here if you don’t like the host.

  47. Irrelevant if Greene woulda made a play that E Go didn’t. Never shoulda got to the opportunity. If Trev keeps the ball down and away, where Barret was set up on all three early hits that inning, the G’ints are done, we’ve got a streak going. Momentum still woulda been crushed tomorrow by Zambrabo and the RED HOT cubbies tomorrow. We’re playing desperate baseball, trying to do it all on one pitch and putting the pressure on Giles (terrible day at the plate) and Gonzo. Except for a faint glimmer there on Friday night, and a bullpen implosion by SF yesterday, nothing has changed. Oh, except that we lost another starting pitcher who had some momentum built up (generally). We’re going into a seriously difficult part of our schedule with 3/5 (not to mention permanantly losing the potential ray of sunshine that was Prior, if you believed that hype) of our pitching on the bench. No matter how optimistic Jake feels, we won’t see any of them the next 10 days… Things look to get much worse at home before they get any better. But one can hope, keep the faith, or watch the trainwreck. I’ll be there, waiting to be plesantly suprised and willing to eat crow if and when things turn around, till then tyhe question is “Who do we dump at the trade deadline, so we can rebuild…?”

  48. Yet another quality start for a Padres starter….

    At Portland, Chase Headley and Chip Ambres have gone deep, as the Beavers lead in the 7th, 7-4.

  49. #97@Kevin: Love the host… I am pointing out the voodoo hex or whatever that Trevor has over the majority of Padre fans. Again, what happened from 1993 to 2006 doesn matter right now… but some folks hang on to the past.