IGD: Padres @ Diamondbacks (1 Oct 06)

first pitch: 1:40 p.m., PT
television: Channel 4SD
matchup: Woody Williams (11-5, 3.57 ERA) vs Brandon Webb (16-7, 2.88 ERA)
previews: Padres.com | SI.com
buy tickets

The Padres are in the playoffs, and that’s awesome. But on Sunday they have a chance to take the NL West. Regardless of post-season matchups (they’re all good teams, otherwise they wouldn’t be there — and as Peter points out, “if the Padres keep winning, they’ll win the World Series”), the division title is the goal now. To win it, the Padres will have to go through the guy who currently gets my vote for NL Cy Young (sorry, Trevor), Brandon Webb.

I’d give you the full breakdown, but as has been the case for much of the past month or so, my analytical tendencies have been pushed aside by the kid who just wants to see his team win. Honestly, who can think at a time like this?

On another note, I’ll be out at Petco Park watching this one on the big screen. I know some others of you will be out there as well. This is way last minute for a meetup, but anyone who can make it, let’s get together right around home plate of the kids’ baseball field at, say, 1:30 p.m. I’ll be wearing my Aki “Yosshaa!!” T-shirt and Ducksnorts trucker hat.

Now, let’s beat those Snakes and take this thing. Go Padres!

169 Responses »

  1. It took Beimel five pitches to retire the side in the bottom of the ninth, only because Todd Greene couldn’t hit any of the three pitches he saw.

  2. And the Dodgers win…

    You know what you need to do, Friars.

  3. Friggin’ Giants have rolled over and died. 4-3 LA, final.

  4. This gesture toward departing AZ vets is a pleasure to watch

  5. Great day for Adrian. Forget getting one knock to reach .300 and sitting — Adrian kept on going.

  6. Khalil needs a bomb for some confidence going into the playoffs…

  7. re: 104

    It is? I think it’s ponderous. They could crap on the field right now and receive a standing ovation.

    I’m sure the Dodgers appreciate the Diamondbacks taking out all those players and conceding the game.

  8. Dodgers have nothing to complain about after the roll-over job the Giants pulled

  9. re:107: pshaw…that looks like a rollover off the bat of Chad Tracy, don’t it?

    The D’Backs have fought a lot harder than the Giants did…

  10. Chad Tracy, killing the buzz, thanks. Cmon Trevor, 2 more outs, let’s get this over with…

  11. 107

    you have a point, but, I’m a sap, I couldn’t help it.

  12. Great, say goodbye to Trevor’s CY

  13. Uh, what the hell is going on here?

  14. 112 – exactly. no Cy Young for Trevor.

  15. Again, nothing the easy way. C’mon, can we please close this out??

  16. No one in the league deserves the Cy Young Award.

  17. nothing easy…the Cardiac Kids of the Gaslamp

  18. smart play by KG to eat that.

  19. Smart baseball from Khalil…

  20. can they give 2 cy young’s in the AL instead?

  21. Clayton, we’re sharing a brain today or something?

  22. My god, this is nervewracking.

  23. Rich, it’s the shared experience of that disaster in Baltimore.

  24. wow – looked out at second!

  25. Uh – what? Ok, yea padres?

  26. Wow, what a strange ending.

  27. GO CRAZY FOLKS! We’re division champs. We’ll be opening at home this week!

  28. KG didn’t have foot on bag. What a cluster.

  29. okay…okay…they got it right.

  30. I’m not so sure that KG had his foot on the bag either…

  31. Gee, what a way to win the division. If I were a Dodger fan, I’d be seriously pi$$ed off right now

  32. What happened? Gameday just has “no out recorded?!?!”

  33. Except that there’s no reason to be pissed, because it was the right call, unless they want to be pissed at that guy being a really slow runner.

  34. the umpires are wrong. His foot was not on the bag

  35. I don’t know Kevin…replay didn’t show KG’s foot on the bag. MLB.tv isn’t showing me any more replays. At real-time speed, I thought KG got him on the tag.

  36. Groundball to second – sliding grab by barfield, quick throw takes A-gon off the bag…. runner between 1st and 2nd fell trying to dodge ground ball to barfield… throw to second from Agon – Khalil attempts to apply tag, runner safe…. but, should have been a force out… umps think that KG had his foot on the bag (replays show that he didn’t) so “out” call is overruled and game is over….. bad call, worse play by KG for not recognizing the force out….

  37. It’s amazing how many teams tried give the division/WC away.

  38. but the umpire at first called him safe, based on the tag…once some other umpire reminded him it’s a force, they changed it to out

  39. That was the strangest ending to a game I’ve ever seen. I will be on pins and needles every time the bullpen throws a pitch against St. Louis.

  40. I’d have to see it again…but, honestly, they usually are going to cal the force at second based on whether the ball beats him to the bag…it looked like Khalil had his right foot against the bag when he received the ball…which is how I was taught. You have you foot against the bag so you know where to put the tag down.

    Regardless…we repeat as division champs.

  41. Umpires are never wrong.

  42. OK, so should I be happy here? Don’t really feel it, having watched the team blow a 7 run lead, and then win on some bs over-rule call. Bleh.

  43. I don’t think the umpires thought he had his foot on the bag…I think the one calling the play screwed up and watched for the tag, then later realized it was a force and had no recollection of whether his foot was on the bag

  44. the replays showed his foot was nowhere near. His legs were all spread out as he tried to dig crouch low for the tag. his butt was right above the bag, feet spread at least a foot away on either side

  45. yeah, that’s what I thought (don’t have any more replays to watch)

    only thing I couldn’t tell was whether he pulled his foot to the bag after catching it

  46. I think you’re right Eric…but if they really called the foot on the bag consistently it would be wild how many DP’s would get overturned …hey, it fuels debate. So how big is that catch by Brian Giles now?

  47. You know, I hope KG’s foot was off the bag, ’cause the Dodgers deserve that. Playoff time and I say, f@#$ ‘em! We’re opening at home!

    BTW, incredibly heads up by AG to throw in one motion to 2nd as moving to Barfield’s bad throw pulls him off the bag. That guy is good with the bat and nothi’ short of amazing on defense.

  48. ugh

    I just feel bad and awkward