IGD: Padres @ Giants (9 Sep 06)

first pitch: 1:05 p.m., PT
television: Channel 4SD
matchup: David Wells (2-3, 4.58 ERA) vs Jason Schmidt (11-8, 3.39 ERA)
previews: Padres.com | SI.com | ESPN
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The Padres try to bounce back Saturday afternoon from a “borderline embarrassing” defeat in the opener of a three-game set at San Francisco. David Wells makes his second start wearing #21 for the Pads. He’ll go up against right-hander Jason Schmidt. If it’s any comfort, Schmidt has been mortal (5-3, 4.62 ERA in 62.1 IP) since the All-Star break.

Don’t fall asleep now, folks, we’re in a pennant race!

78 Responses »

  1. Okay, I had to take a deep breath after last night’s game, chanting my new mantra, “You couldn’t expect them to win every game.”

    I’m hoping the Pads are chanting a new mantra, though, “You have to get more than two hits to win a game.”

    Go, Boomer!

  2. A big chance today. Dodgers lost and need to send a message to the Giants that they don’t get to walk all over us. We have had some luck againt Schmidt, so let’s hope that continues. I would take a win, any kind of win with such glee, but just imagine how good a decisive victory would feel. Go Pads.

  3. Anyone out there able to watch the game on extra innings?

  4. Roberts and Cameron both not in the starting lineup?

  5. roberts is starting and playing cf.

  6. Just got back from Indian buffet on Black Mtn. Road. Good stuff. Looks like we need runs again.

  7. damn you, geoff young, now i’m craving garlic nan and navratan korma!

  8. I just don’t get why Giles is in the lineup instead of Cameron. How exactly is Giles our “most needed in the line-up everyday” outfielder? It can’t be his pathetic arm or his paltry power and this isn’t Petco, so you can’t even argue on the basis of some intangible outfielding skill due to being accustomed to the outfield’s “quirky” layout… so, what gives? At what point do the conspiracy theorists amongst us begin tracking Giles’ late night visits to the Bochy and Towers households? I think I remember there being a lot of Giles support in previous posts on this board – somebody please offer an explanation of his value in the lineup everyday? And, please consider the opportunity cost of Sledge (ripping the ball the past two months) and Johnson (outfielder of the future, moments of brilliance) being used infrequently and at the expense of Roberts (spark-plug, most consistent hitter) and Cameron (best CF in the game?) riding the pine.

  9. Bochy said on the radio that he wanted to rest Cameron today. Wells isn’t fooling anyone. Sigh.

  10. You Harvard boys are soooo smart. But I agree. Why is Giles the “iron man”?

  11. Bochy needs to rest Giles for about 3 weeks.

  12. what is it about the freaking Giants lately?

  13. does anyone else find it depressing Barry Bonds has more homeruns than anyone on our team? I mean, even at like 85 years old he still outperforms everyone on the Pads. Ugh.

  14. Nice debut for Cust, singling on the first pitch he sees in a Padres uni. Mark Grant is pushing for the Pads to look at Pedro Feliz, who will be a free agent this winter. Sorry, but I can’t get behind that career .290 OBP of his.

  15. Bonds also has more “help” than anyone on our team.

  16. wow – what a shock! Giles grounded out to second. Someone needs to tie his shoelaces together so he can’t continue to overstride. Sersiouly, this is worse than Willie-Mays-Hays popping it up into the batting cage during Spring Training in ‘Major League’. I’d suggest that he do push-ups for every grounder to second base, but I’m afraid his stubby little arms would eventually cease to touch the ground when he’s laying down. And, sense I’m officially “off the Giles-wagon”, I think it’s fair to say that no grown man should ever, ever have a f’n bleached skate-or-die hair cut. Duuuuuude has me like tooootally bumbed out man…

  17. wow – what a shock! Giles grounded out to second. Someone needs to tie his shoelaces together so he can’t continue to overstride. Sersiouly, this is worse than Willie-Mays-Hays popping it up into the batting cage during Spring Training in ‘Major League’. I’d suggest that he do push-ups for every grounder to second base, but I’m afraid his stubby little arms would eventually cease to touch the ground when he’s laying down. And, since I’m officially “off the Giles-wagon”, I think it’s fair to say that no grown man should ever, ever have a f’n bleached skate-or-die hair cut. Duuuuuude has me like tooootally bumbed out man…

  18. okay – sorry about that, err, I was trying to correct my spelling of the word “since”… yup, I’m a dumbass. I think it’s time for Bochy to sit me.

  19. Marsh – were you watching the game yesterday? Giles hit the ball hard in three straight plate appearances; one ball was crushed to the wall. On the other hand, his hair is hideous.

  20. not to mention my spelling of “bummed”.. yikes…

  21. Marsh is right, especially re: hair

  22. Nah, I couldn’t see the game yesterday. I guess I’m still thinking back to a posting a while back someone had on giles’s spray chart. Maybe Geoff remembers where that post is? Thing is, his tendency to hit to second base is almost as strong as his haircut is bad. And, besides, I’m tired of Giles teasing us with hits when games don’t seem to matter. Oh, and yes, I know that when we win, his batting average is much higher than when we lose. Still, that’s a pretty f’d up statistic with far too many variables affecting one another to possibly conlude any like “Giles is clutch”.

  23. Nice heads-up baseball by Gonzo to drop down the bunt.

  24. OMG, he killed that pitch. Hit it out to the deepest part of the park.

  25. Good job by Bochy starting Giles instead of Sledge

  26. Okay, what’s the over/under on how many games until Sledge’s next start? given Bochy’s recent trends, I have the line at 6 games…. Oh, and, of course Giles will be starting all of the next five and the sixth as well.

  27. Yes, I agree Giles does hit way too many balls to second base, and it does happen even when he’s hitting the ball well. Maybe he could hit right handed, because the 5.5 hole is a lot bigger than the 3.5 one.

    In fairness to Sledge (but not good fairness), he had struck out his previous two at bats.

  28. Damn tha Schmidt.. only at 88 pitches or else he would have been yanked after Blum’s single. Good thing we’ve got Armando Benitez working for us in their bullpen. I wonder how much we’re paying him? Let’s hope Sledge get’s another AB against him….

  29. good break for us – if Winn stays in the basebath, then Adrian probably breaks his collar bone or tears his rotator cuff or something like that…

  30. Meredith ties Randy Jones for the Padres’ all-time scoreless innings mark at 30.

  31. Man, that Giles sure stinks. ;-)

  32. His hair is still hideous.

  33. I love Brian Giles! Bochy’s right, that guy is the man! And, his haircut – I mean, that is totally about to catch on… Let’s see, its 6:00 here in Beantown, I wonder if I can find a salon that give me the “giles-makeover”….

  34. Schmidt is done. Battle of the bullpens. Advantage us. This would be such a heartbreaker for the Giants.

  35. always loved that Giles dude!

  36. Manny running for Walker…is he really any faster than TW?

  37. Why is Bard bunting if he’s hitting cleanup?!?!?!?! And now Manny Alexander? If it goes extra innings and Geoff Blum and/or Manny Alexander hit in a key situation, I am going to kill Bochy.

  38. Gonzalez is pulling out on his front foot. Anyone else notice that? He’s trying to emulate his new mentor Giles, I think…

  39. And he bunted when your next two hitters are lefties going against a lefty pitcher?

  40. Yeah – the closest Manny Alexander has been to “clutch” was standing on deck when Barfield went yard the other night. On the other hand, Blum has a pretty decent “home run in the world series” notch on his belt…

  41. Cameron hits for Sledge, guy who just mashed one last time up

  42. Okay, Cla Meredith has gotten the win in each of his last three appearances. If he pulls out the win today as well, the at some point we have to start making absurd “r.o.y.” and team m.v.p. comments. Hell, if this were the Yankees or Red Sox, we’d be listening to John Kruk tell us that he should be considered for the Cy Young award….

  43. okay, here comes the change-up to blum…

  44. well, you almost have to give him credit for putting the bat on that thing… except, every person in the stadium knew a change up was coming….

  45. speaking of not wanting Blum up in a key spot….

    now 1 for 18 in September

  46. Wait – that was Sledge that was hit for? Yup, that’s pretty much par for the course…. We also won’t see Sledge for another 6 games…

  47. Ladies and gentlemen, Cla Meredith is your new record holder for consecutive scoreless innings by a Padres pitcher.