IGD: Padres @ Giants (10 Sep 06)

first pitch: 5:05 p.m., PT
television: ESPN
matchup: Woody Williams (7-5, 3.91 ERA) vs Matt Morris (10-12, 4.54 ERA)
previews: Padres.com | SI.com | ESPN
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A possible solution to the steroid problem in baseball would be to allow each team to field one player who can do absolutely anything to his body. Everyone else would have to be clean, but there would always be one RoboPlayer™ on the roster. Then, everything is out in the open and all teams are playing by the same rules. We’d still have to figure out a way to explain the presence of RoboPlayer to children, because some of them might want to be that guy, and who among us would wish that for our kids?

Well, except for the desperately poor folks, of course.

In unrelated news, the Padres try to avoid being swept by the Giants in San Francisco on Sunday evening. Game will be televised nationally, which means good exposure for the Pads at the cost of ignorant commentary from folks who don’t really know who we are. Enjoy…

134 Responses »

  1. Geoff, Geoff, Geoff… Dude, I hope that was sarcasm…

    “Well, except for the desperately poor folks, of course.”

    Remember Barry didn’t do all that to his body until he was already rich. Frequently it’s the people who want to keep their income that resort to illegal measure not those trying to get rich in the first place.

  2. Ready for the 7th in a row?

    We got your number, baby!!!

  3. PF: The only part of my post that is remotely serious is the final paragraph.

    AG: That’s great; now tell your team to stop rolling over and playing dead for the Dodgers.

  4. GY: I guess we all have our demons. I just wish ours weren’t @#$@#$ freakin’ dodgers. But I’m going to go out on a limb and predict that the dodgers will fall to third in the NL west, and the Giants and Padres will take the division and wildcard respectively. :)

  5. Dogs won big. Marlins beat the Philly’s. We need a win tonight.

  6. Speaking of commentary – Joe Morgan just squawked about Giles hitting 2 and Walker hitting 3. Said the Pads are “Giles’ team”.

  7. How I long for Steve Quis….

    Has anyone been able to get the 1090 streaming audio to work?

  8. Anthony – if you mean MLB radio, I use it pretty frequently and the stream doesn’t always load on the first try. Using a different browser sometimes did the trick.

  9. I was trying to listen from the 1090 site but I think it’s disabled during games. I’m too cheap to fork over the $7.95 for MLB Gameday.

    Funny, Joe Morgan doesn’t bother me on other games but I just can’t take him during a Padres game.

    Great, the HD feed is about 2 seconds behind the radio. Oh well, that’s what the mute button is for.

  10. Damn I’m liking the giants’ pitching lately. :)

  11. Stupid sun.

  12. Funny how they talk all game about the sun but they don’t mention that the reason it’s so bad is the game started two hours early to accommodate ESPN.

  13. We are just not hitting. You can tell when its going bad when Cameron tries to bunt his way on. Pitchers are pressing because there is no offence. And I wish to f***ing hell Paul Bunyon would take that f***ing sun glasses off!!! What’s he trying to do, look cool on Castro Street?

    As my old friend Squidward would say: rage, frustration humiliation…on National TV.

  14. Things I think about during a game…

    “I wonder what Boch’s winning % is with facial hair vs. without…”

    I have problems…

  15. Good point Anthony…

    And good play by Branyan.

  16. Who is Paul Bunyon?

  17. See, Joe! Giles works as a #2 hitter! Take that! :)

  18. And that’s why Walker is in the 3-spot!

    Pardon me while i refresh http://www.firejoemorgan.com...

  19. Joe Morgan has long been in my cross hairs…I can’t stand his constant funky love of Bonds and Griffy…

    It feels like Ahmad Rashad and his love affair with Jordan.

    Could be worse though…he could be Sut.

  20. 4 runs in the 3rd inning…who is this team?

  21. That looked like a curve to Branyan but because he hit it, Morgan says it’s a change up.

    A 4 run inning? As Jerry Seinfeld would say, who are these people?

  22. I take it all back, love this team. Paul Bunyon is the nik for Branyon.

  23. Gotta find a way to get Woody’s bat in the lineup more often

  24. He played short in college, right?

  25. Once again I am late due to stuffing my face full of Asian food. Better news this time, I see. :-)

  26. Blum with the slowest triple I’ve ever seen

  27. “Lumbering” into 3rd? I hate ESPN announcers. If anyone’s going to abuse Blum, it’s us. We’ve earned it.

  28. Woody pwns the Giants! Hometown fans are booing. Ah, now this is more like it.

  29. Joe Morgan and Bonds must be going out or something.

    I like Morgan’s technical analysis — it’s when he offers his opinion on something that I can’t stand him.

  30. I like how they’re totally ignoring the bomb that Gonzo just hit and talking instead about Ryan Howard.

  31. And now we have a random split screen featuring Bonds on the left and Woody Williams on the right. M&M continue to talk about Howard, despite the fact that he is playing for neither team. Good stuff.

  32. I’m confused. Does Ryan Howard play for us or for the Giants?

  33. At least they’re giving props to Williams. He looks great tonight.

  34. Now they’re totally fired up because Bonds is up. If he knocks one out of the yard, it’ll pull the Giants to within 5 runs of the Padres.

  35. And we have a Cla sighting in the bullpen

  36. Argh – now that’s a cheap run.

  37. If he hits it it’s a double

  38. Durham got all of that one.

  39. Why pull Woody when he’s only thrown 94 pitches?

  40. A balk? I didn’t see it.

  41. 8 pitches, 3 outs. Believe it.

  42. In 137.1 professional innings the Claw has allowed 7 homeruns, 6 with Pawtucket last year and one with Boston. What a great pickup by KT and what a stupid move by Boston. They’ve had bullpen problems all year but they let Meredith get away because he gave up one homer in Boston and had his confidence shaken.

  43. #42: M&M didn’t see the balk either.

    #44: The Red Sox are funny that way. It’s the same reason they let Bard get away. We’ll take it.

  44. Oh good, another Ryan Howard update.

  45. When do they tell us what Ryan Howard had for breakfast today?

  46. Seriously, what the hell is the Ryan Howard talk about? He’s like the second best player on a team that’s 2 games out of the Wild Card.

  47. WTF is Morgan talking about with heroes and eliminating suspicion about steroids? I think eliminating suspicion pretty much will come with elimination of steroid use. This is some of the most ridiculous commentary on anything I’ve heard in a while.

  48. #47: Howard had Chase Utley for breakfast.