Before we get to the rest of the links, I have to call my own number. I’ve got a new article up at Hardball Times that looks back at some old projections I did here at Ducksnorts many moons ago. Good fun… Lots to cover this morning: Padres experienced relative success in Moores Era (San [...]
Tag Archive for ‘tom krasovic’ 
Links for 9 Dec 08
I’m a little behind in my links, so some of these might be oldish. Hey, better late than never… Organization free of bad contracts and long-term financial obligations (San Diego Union-Tribune). Good stuff from Tom Krasovic: The Padres certainly are familiar with toxic player contracts… The low-revenue Marlins and Twins almost never made such mistakes, [...]
Links for 8 Nov 08
What the heck, I’m up anyway. Let’s have a little Saturday morning linkfest… Organization picks up $9 million option for right fielder in 2009. Tom Krasovic at the U-T reports that the Padres have picked up Brian Giles’ option for 2009. Score one for common sense. Adrian Gonzalez-Jim Stone Extravaganza Golf Tournament & Fiesta. Adrian [...]
Links for 28 Oct 08
Mmm, linkity link links… Padres remain a preferred spot for pitchers staging comebacks (U-T). Mark Mulder, Mark Prior, and Matt Clement all have expressed an interest in pitching for the Padres or, failing that, at least wearing the uniform. Mark Prior Halloweeen Update. Speaking of Prior, Planet Padres caught up with the right-hander at a [...]
Links for 14 Oct 08
I’m trying out a tool that pulls links from my Delicious bookmarks and publishes them here on a semi-regular basis… How much should Ben Sheets get? (Hardball Times). Victor Wang uses projected performance and risk analysis to predict that free-agent right-hander Ben Sheets will get $55-65 million for 4 or 5 years. The methodology seems [...]
No, Really, My Shortstop Is Broken
First off, I feel like a shoe for Thursday’s post title. I wasn’t aware of Khalil Greene’s injury when I wrote it. According to Tom Krasovic at the U-T, Greene broke his left hand while punching a storage chest during Wednesday night’s loss to the Diamondbacks. Corey Brock at the Padres web site indicates that [...]
Everybody Loves Tadahito
Says here we’ve been “dot-com” for 6 years now. Cool. Anyway, I’m working on an interview with Tom Krasovic of the San Diego Union-Tribune (it’ll run on Monday), and one topic we discussed was potential surprises among Padres for 2008. The name that came up was new second baseman Tadahito Iguchi: Iguchi had some problems [...]
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