The Padres are boring. That’s the word on the street… a street apparently filled with people who don’t like baseball. Just give me a game to watch and the rest will take care of itself. There is no pressure with this team, no expectation of success. Every win is a surprise, a gift. Sometimes I [...]
Tag Archive for ‘chase headley’ 
Winning Half Is Like Losing Half, and Vice Versa
When last we spoke, the Padres had won 10 straight games. They finally lost on Tuesday, but not without a serious fight. Kevin Correia breezes through 4 2/3 innings, then runs into trouble. Ryan Roberts bloops a single in front of Chase Headley that a more accomplished left fielder might have caught. The inning continues, [...]
Play with Your Food
I have the strangest dreams… Maybe the Padres will do okay this year. In your heart of hearts, you don’t believe it, but you’ll commit to it over olives on a fork and flutes of champagne. You’ll sneak it into conversation, right between “My kid is smart, he’s just not motivated” and “I watch Giada [...]
Eight Sliders Sliding
Got my coffee. Got my Neko Case. Like when I drove from Asheville to Durham en route to Cooperstown for Tony Gwynn’s Hall of Fame induction. So many trees. I miss the road. * * * Jody Gerut rocks the ’69 uni Stupid game Tuesday night at PhoneCo. Top of the fourth, Kevin Kouzmanoff bangs [...]
Do What You Cannot Do
The way it works with cover bands in this town is you play two nights — Friday and Saturday — from 9 p.m. to close. Three one-hour sets punctuated by 10-minute breaks, with a longer (80-minute) set to end the night. Wait, are we playing Jimmy Buffet and then Slayer, or is it the other [...]
IVIE 2009 Projections
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the comatosely accurate IVIE projections for 2009 (explanation). For the hitters, I’ve included the name of a player whose career line is similar to our projection. As always, thanks to all who participated. Enjoy… Padres IVIE Projections for 2009: Hitters Player No. PA BA OBP SLG Comp Matt [...]
IVIE 2009: Outfielders
In case you missed it, we’re doing community projections again this year. Read the introduction to learn more about the comatosely accurate IVIEs, available only here at Ducksnorts. To the outfield we go… Padres IVIE Projections (Draft) for 2009: Outfielders PA BA OBP SLG Cliff Floyd 250 .262 .343 .417 Jody Gerut 450 .284 [...]
IVIE 2009: Introduction and Catchers
I’m thinking it’s about time to fire up our community projections for the 2009 season. Last year we did reasonably well — as Paul DePodesta points out in the foreword to this year’s Annual (which I’m sure you’ve ordered by now!) we nailed Adrian Gonzalez, Scott Hairston, and Chase Headley: Gonzo, Hairston, and Headley: 2008 [...]
Eckstein Marks the Spot
by Geoff Young on Jan 19, 2009 (17) Comments
Let me just say up front that I’m a fan of guys who get the most of our their ability. If you aren’t gifted with overwhelming tools and still find a way to succeed, unless you’re a complete jerk, I’m behind you. With that disclaimer out of the way, it should come as no surprise [...]