Tag Archive for ‘baseball prospectus’ rss

Me, Elsewhere: How Ducksnorts Got Started, Thoughts on New Media, and More

I’ve done a Q & A about blogging, new media, and what not with online friend Rolin, whom I’ve known on the interwebs for many years. I recognize that this stuff may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but he asked great questions and I think it makes for a cool read, although I’m biased.

Nine Thoughts for Nine Losses

I Losing nine straight down the stretch stinks. There is no other way to put it. Despite their current two-game lead in the National League West, the Padres find themselves teetering at the edge of an uncomfortable precipice. As I said earlier in the week, when the streak was a more manageable six games, “…if [...]

Me, Elsewhere: Freisleben’s No-No and Other Bits of Minor-League History

My latest installment of This Week in Minor League History at Baseball Prospectus includes a look at no-hitters by four pitchers who spent time with the Padres. Mickey Lolich, Fred Norman, and Larry Andersen all came up elsewhere and spun theirs as members of other organizations. Right-hander Dave Freisleben, however, notched his while with the [...]

Me, Elsewhere: Eichelberger and Salveson

My latest edition of This Week in Minor League History is up at Baseball Prospectus, and it features a couple of former Padres. On May 26, 1984, Juan Eichelberger, then with the Milwaukee Brewers organization, threw a no-hitter for Vancouver. Eichelberger won 20 games for the Padres from 1978 to 1982. His shining moment came [...]

Me, Elsewhere: Life Is Just a Fantasy

Does anyone even remember Aldo Nova these days? Anyway, my latest look at the BP Kings draft is up at Baseball Prospectus. My first pick? Kyle Blanks, believe.

Me, Elsewhere: BP Kings Update

I meant to mention this earlier, but got sidetracked. My keeper list in BP Kings and the thought process behind it are up at Baseball Prospectus. No Padres, I’m afraid…

Me, Elsewhere: Bob Elliott, Nate Colbert, and Some Other Guys

The penultimate installment in my “Players Worth Remembering” series is up at Hardball Times. San Diego (well, El Centro) native and former PCL Padre Bob Elliott tops the list of third basemen, while original NL Padre Nate Colbert merits an honorable mention at first base. Also, this year I’m playing in BP Kings, a Scoresheet [...]

Site Non-update

Last month my web hosting company apparently went out of business without telling anyone. Repeated attempts to contact them have been unsuccessful, but if you’re interested in the sordid details, a fellow refugee has documented the situation. Apart from the drama, this is where we stand: I managed to back up my database a few [...]


Hi there, Ducksnorts is broken. I’m working to fix it, but there is no timetable. With luck, we’ll be back up and running by the end of the year. In the meantime, you can read my stuff at The Hardball Times and Baseball Prospectus. Thanks, Geoff

Links for 13 Feb 09

It occurs to me that I haven’t provided a book update in a while. We’re getting real close. I’m doing some last-minute rewrites on one of the chapters, and this weekend Mrs. Ducksnorts and I will edit the whole beast. Then I just need to create the subject index and finalize the cover, so if [...]