Please, Don’t Beat the Worms

In the Ducksnorts 2008 Baseball Annual I noted that Adrian Gonzalez didn’t ground into many double plays in 2007. Given how slow he is and how many he’d hit into the year before, this surprised me. Well, now he’s back to his old tricks:

Adrian Gonzalez, Grounders and Double Plays
Statistics are courtesy of Baseball-Reference and Hardball Times, and are through games of August 25, 2008.
2006 631 24 43.8
2007 720 6 36.9
2008 567 20 43.6

This is a little troubling: In the book, I observed that his GB% actually declined from 2006 to 2007, which didn’t make any sense to me at the time. I don’t remember which source I used and I’m too lazy to go digging through my notes, but this time I’ve checked Hardball Times and Fangraphs, and both say the same thing: Gonzalez didn’t hit as many grounders in 2007.

On the one hand, I’m glad to see this because it fits better with my understanding of the way baseball works; on the other, how did I get the wrong data in the first place? I will need to retrace my steps and figure out what happened there.

On an unrelated note, it shouldn’t shock anyone to learn that Gonzalez leads the club in intentional walks — by a substantial margin — but do you know who is second? Two players are tied: Kevin Kouzmanoff and Paul McAnulty.

Yeah, that Paul McAnulty. As in, the guy who has been at Triple-A Portland since the beginning of July…

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