I finally made it to a SABR convention, and was it ever worth the wait. This year’s convention took place in Long Beach, which meant that I could attend with relative ease (having to catch a plane is usually a deal-breaker for me, but a two-hour drive is no problem).
Tag Archive for ‘fangraphs’ 
Me, Elsewhere: Chatting with FanGraphs
Carson Cistulli was kind enough to have me on his FanGraphs Audio radio programme. I never know how these things come off and can judge solely on whether we had fun chatting. We had fun chatting. Lots of fun. Maybe too much fun. What did we discuss? I will steal from my gracious host: The [...]
Friday Links (13 Aug 10)
It’s the most wonderful time of the week… Fangraphs Live: The Numbers Puppets Take Manhattan (OCD Chick). While SABR40 was going on in Atlanta, FanGraphs Live took place in another part of the east coast. Amanda Rykoff offers a nice recap of the proceedings. [h/t Hardball Times] Why Latos is good (it’s not just his [...]
Links for 17 Oct 08
The topic du jour seems to be Jake Peavy, so let’s get busy… Paul DePodesta weighs in on the situation [h/t LynchMob]: “If you have something you value at one million dollars, it would be foolish to refuse to consider selling it for twenty million dollars. On the flip side, it would also be foolish [...]
Please, Don’t Beat the Worms
In the Ducksnorts 2008 Baseball Annual I noted that Adrian Gonzalez didn’t ground into many double plays in 2007. Given how slow he is and how many he’d hit into the year before, this surprised me. Well, now he’s back to his old tricks: Adrian Gonzalez, Grounders and Double Plays Year PA GIDP GB% Statistics [...]
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