I did a miserable job of documenting my experience in BP Kings Scoresheet League last season, which is unfortunate since my team won 90 94 games and reached the finals. I’ve been playing Scoresheet for nearly 20 years, and that ranks among my most satisfying debuts. Now that I’ve resolved to write more about the [...]
Tag Archive for ‘scoresheet baseball’ 
Padres Awards Dinner
The Padres held their annual awards dinner Wednesday night at the San Diego Hall of Champions. Thanks to their generosity, I had the pleasure of attending, along with folks from Friarhood, Gaslamp Ball, and RJ’s Fro. Corey Brock offers the facts; I offer impressions as a fan…
Me, Elsewhere: Life Is Just a Fantasy
Does anyone even remember Aldo Nova these days? Anyway, my latest look at the BP Kings draft is up at Baseball Prospectus. My first pick? Kyle Blanks, believe.
Me, Elsewhere: BP Kings Update
I meant to mention this earlier, but got sidetracked. My keeper list in BP Kings and the thought process behind it are up at Baseball Prospectus. No Padres, I’m afraid…
Me, Elsewhere: Bob Elliott, Nate Colbert, and Some Other Guys
The penultimate installment in my “Players Worth Remembering” series is up at Hardball Times. San Diego (well, El Centro) native and former PCL Padre Bob Elliott tops the list of third basemen, while original NL Padre Nate Colbert merits an honorable mention at first base. Also, this year I’m playing in BP Kings, a Scoresheet [...]
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