The mind will wander while driving along I-25, south from Albuquerque, through Socorro, to Truth or Consequences and points beyond. The Rio Grande traces the interstate, lining a verdant path through the dusty corridor of southern New Mexico. A man walks along the side of the road, carrying a backpack and a sign that reads, [...]
Tag Archive for ‘rob neyer’ 
Running with Geeks: One Man’s Experience of SABR41
I finally made it to a SABR convention, and was it ever worth the wait. This year’s convention took place in Long Beach, which meant that I could attend with relative ease (having to catch a plane is usually a deal-breaker for me, but a two-hour drive is no problem).
Me, Elsewhere: How Ducksnorts Got Started, Thoughts on New Media, and More
I’ve done a Q & A about blogging, new media, and what not with online friend Rolin, whom I’ve known on the interwebs for many years. I recognize that this stuff may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but he asked great questions and I think it makes for a cool read, although I’m biased.
One-Hit Wonders: Ronn Reynolds to John Scott
This is Part 11 of a 13-part series examining the 65 men who have collected exactly one hit as a member of the San Diego Padres. The current installment features a former college teammate of Kevin McReynolds, one of the three 1989 18th-round picks who played for the Padres, a failed catching prospect, a player [...]
Thank You, Rob Neyer; Best of Luck
In case you missed it, Rob Neyer has left ESPN after 15 years. I’ve enjoyed and admired Rob’s work more than I can say, and I’m sorry to see him go. Rob has been a great supporter of Ducksnorts, from letting me ask him a bunch of questions in 2008 to bringing my humble blog [...]
Thursday Links (9 Sep 10)
Real life rears its ugly head, so we’ll run links a day early this week. It’s crazy party time…
Me, Elsewhere: On Petco and Hoyer
I have two new articles of potential interest floating around on teh interwebs. First, Rob Neyer has graciously allowed me to contribute a guest post at his ESPN home. The piece focuses on the Padres’ increased offensive success at home this year: …hitting coach Randy Ready has gotten these guys to do something they haven’t [...]
Friar Forecast’s Padres 2010 Trade Deadline Primer
Friend of Ducksnorts Myron Logan (Friar Forecast) has teamed up with John Bonnes and the gang at TwinsCentric to produce an e-book called the 2010 Trade Deadline Primer. Myron contributed the chapter on the Padres (duh) and did a terrific job with it. I will steal from the marketing folks for this next bit: Whether [...]
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