Congrats to Roberto Alomar and Bert Blyleven for making the cut. Barry Larkin is getting there, while Tim Raines and Alan Trammell continue to lag. Trammell in particular concerns me, and I suspect he will follow his former double play partner, Lou Whitaker, into hoping for help from the Veterans Committee. But enough of my [...]
Tag Archive for ‘rafael palmeiro’ 
Hey, I Can See the Off-Season from Here
I’ve been busy. Part of the reason is that I’ll be contributing to two forthcoming books: The Hardball Times Baseball Annual 2010 (due out in November) and John Burnson’s Graphical Player 2010 (due out in December). I can’t go into a lot of detail just yet because — well, I’m not done writing — but [...]
IVIE 2009 Projections
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the comatosely accurate IVIE projections for 2009 (explanation). For the hitters, I’ve included the name of a player whose career line is similar to our projection. As always, thanks to all who participated. Enjoy… Padres IVIE Projections for 2009: Hitters Player No. PA BA OBP SLG Comp Matt [...]
Light Posting This Week
Posting will be light this week. Nothing much is happening with the Padres right now (aside from the signings of Allan Dykstra and James Darnell, I suppose), and a few other projects are demanding my time: I’m working on a quick survey of compensatory draft picks through history — We’ve already touched on Rafael Palmeiro [...]
Random Friday Stupidity
I was hoping to have some original content today, but it’s been a long week at work and I haven’t been able to formulate my thoughts on various topics as well as I’d have liked. Here are a few things I’m wondering right now: Why did Chase Headley suddenly discover plate discipline on June 12 [...]
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