In case you missed it, we’re doing community projections again this year. Read the introduction to learn more about the comatosely accurate IVIEs, available only here at Ducksnorts. To the outfield we go… Padres IVIE Projections (Draft) for 2009: Outfielders PA BA OBP SLG Cliff Floyd 250 .262 .343 .417 Jody Gerut 450 .284 [...]
Tag Archive for ‘outfielders’ 
IVIE 2009: Infielders
Quick reminder: The Ducksnorts 2009 Baseball Annual is now shipping. Go buy a copy or five… In case you missed it, we’re doing community projections again this year. Read the introduction to learn more about the comatosely accurate IVIEs, available only here at Ducksnorts. Padres IVIE Projections (Draft) for 2009: Infielders PA BA OBP [...]
Contest: Twenty-One Grains of Rice
So, I’ve been thinking about my problem with letting Jim Rice into the Hall of Fame. And I’ve been thinking about my book. The two have nothing to do with each other, which sounds like a good excuse for a contest. Here’s the deal. Listed below are 21 outfielders who are or were at one [...]
Padres 2008 Draft Odyssey
Grab a beverage, sit down, and get comfy. Well, maybe not that comfy; seriously, dude, have a little dignity. As you know, MLB’s First-Year Player Draft is upon us. What’s in store for the Padres? Good question. Let’s take a look, shall we… Draft Class Strengths and Weaknesses First-Year Player Draft Thursday, June 5, 2008 [...]
Familiar Refrain
On pages 141-143 of his 1985 Baseball Abstract, Bill James launches into a discussion of whether baseball dynasties are a thing of the past. This is technically his essay on the San Diego Padres, who were the defending National League champions, although only two paragraphs focus on the Padres: I do not see the Padres [...]
Friday Links (18 Jan 08)
Listening to Jeff Buckley, Live at Olympia (thanks, Didi!). That and a pot of coffee should keep me going for a while. To the links (sit down, we’ve got a few)… This is old, but it bears mentioning. Mike Cameron has signed with the Brewers (hat tip to Marsh in the comments). As I mentioned [...]
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