Too much day job… these have been gathering dust for a while, so you’ll have plenty to read while I’m off doing… you don’t even want to know…
Tag Archive for ‘joe-posnanski’ 
Tuesday Links (7 Dec 10)
You cannot stop links, you can only hope to contain them.
Nine Thoughts for Nine Losses
I Losing nine straight down the stretch stinks. There is no other way to put it. Despite their current two-game lead in the National League West, the Padres find themselves teetering at the edge of an uncomfortable precipice. As I said earlier in the week, when the streak was a more manageable six games, “…if [...]
Two Innings
We snuck in two innings of baseball on Sunday before the rains came. Arrived at Cunningham Stadium just after the first. Mostly Indiana fans who didn’t appreciate the plate umpire’s wide strike zone (winning presumably lessened the sting). The rain fell slow but steady. Umbrellas opened, and those without scampered up the hillside in search [...]
Links for 22 Oct 08
Notes to self: Always add Sriracha to spaghetti sauce, stop leering at Yvonne Strahovski, listen to more Fishbone… Why not us? Comparing Royals’ moves to Rays’ decisions (Kansas City Star). Reader Didi sends this article by Joe Posnanski. There’s plenty of good stuff in here, but looking beyond the article, what gets me is the [...]
At Least the Burgers Were Delicious
by Geoff Young on May 19, 2011 (36) Comments
Stopped at Elsinore, overlooking empty ballpark. Sipping coffee, chewing on Posnanski’s advice to stay humble as a writer… Don’t preconceive. Don’t hesitate to ask questions that might make you look dumb. Don’t linger too long in your comfort zone. Bearing this in mind, I ask a question: “With one quarter of the season behind us, [...]