There is a basilica in Santa Fe, New Mexico, whose bells ring every hour on the hour. The basilica is named after Giovanni Francesco di Bernadone, better known as St. Francis of Assisi, founder of the Franciscan Order and patron saint of animals. He died in 1226 while singing Psalm 141, which includes the memorable [...]
Tag Archive for ‘coors field’ 
Me, Elsewhere: Extreme Ballparks of the NL West
My latest at Baseball Prospectus ($) revisits a familiar topic, with an added wrinkle. We know that the Padres, who play half their games in baseball’s least hitter-friendly environment, enjoy less of a home-field advantage than many other teams. Replace “least” and “less” with “most” and “more,” and we’re talking about the Rockies. The wrinkle [...]
Clouds or Snow?
After a long drive through various subdivisions of nowhere, we spent the night in Page, Arizona, at the edge of Lake Powell. The high point of our brief stay here was spotting a rabbit in the motel parking lot on our way out of town.
Stuff I Mostly Didn’t See on Saturday
I missed most of Saturday’s win against the Rockies. Caught the first few innings while driving to Elsinore, then heard Heath Bell’s high-wire act in the 14th. Watched a little of the rebroadcast on Channel 4 when I got home. It will shock you to learn that I have some thoughts on the game anyway: [...]
What Rhymes with Yorvit?
The Padres have signed veteran catcher Yorvit Torrealba to a 1-year, $1.25 million deal, with a $3.5 million mutual option for 2011. The deal was agreed upon last Friday and made official on Tuesday. Things to know about Torrealba: He hit .258/.316/.394 over the past four seasons despite getting to play half his games at [...]
Play with Your Food
I have the strangest dreams… Maybe the Padres will do okay this year. In your heart of hearts, you don’t believe it, but you’ll commit to it over olives on a fork and flutes of champagne. You’ll sneak it into conversation, right between “My kid is smart, he’s just not motivated” and “I watch Giada [...]
IVIE 2009 Projections
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the comatosely accurate IVIE projections for 2009 (explanation). For the hitters, I’ve included the name of a player whose career line is similar to our projection. As always, thanks to all who participated. Enjoy… Padres IVIE Projections for 2009: Hitters Player No. PA BA OBP SLG Comp Matt [...]
More Than You Ever Wanted to Know About the Ducksnorts 2008 Baseball Annual, and Then Some
Sit down and get comfy. Like, real comfy. Okay, not that comfy — put on a robe or something, will ya? With luck, this is the last update I’ll provide on the Ducksnorts 2008 Baseball Annual that doesn’t end with the phrase, “go buy it.” I’m expecting to deliver the manuscript to the publisher on [...]
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