Tag Archive for ‘adrian gonzalez’ rss

Retrosnort: In the Merry Merry Month of May

Inspired by the Padres’ 7-0 victory over the Dodgers at Chavez Ravine on Sunday, reader LynchMob offers the following suggestion: Hey, GY, dust off some of the “May” stories from a couple of years ago when the Padres were unbeatable in May … let’s do that again! To refresh your memory, the Padres owned the [...]

Where’s Tim Hyers When You Need Him?

After Tuesday night’s thrashing at the hands of the Atlanta Braves, the Padres are proud owners of a 9-15 record, tied with “natural rival” Seattle for worst in MLB. They are 4-10 at Petco Park… so much for home field advantage (nothing new for the Padres, in fact, but that’s a story for another day). [...]

Tuesday Links (19 Apr 11)

When the Padres are back east (yeah, Houston and Chicago count as “back east” in my book — right there with Santee), it’s difficult for me to watch games so I can’t offer any real analysis. I can imagine Tim Stauffer and Dustin Moseley having a brief conversation after the Padres’ 1-0 loss to the [...]

Pity About the Padres Offense

The Padres made Jake Westbrook work hard on Saturday in St. Louis. The veteran right-hander used 89 pitches and didn’t survive the fifth inning. Five walks helped. Three of those five walks came around to score.

Me, Elsewhere: Looking Forward… in Three Places at Once!

My latest at Hardball Times is part of their annual “Five Questions” series and focuses on our favorite team. One of my questions deals with Cameron Maybin, who is a key to this franchise in many ways right now: Oliver likes his chances this season, setting the bar at .271/.339/.422, which looks suspiciously like what [...]

Spring Sluggers

There has been recent discussion about whether spring training statistics are predictive in some way. John Dewan at ACTA Sports suggests they might be: For the most part, we agree with the common perception that they don’t have value. A bad spring training means nothing. An average spring training tells us nothing. Nevertheless, we did [...]

I Wouldn’t Miss You if I Had Better Aim

Monday morning, it appeared that Everth Cabrera would make the big club as the Padres backup middle infielder. Despite Cabrera’s train wreck of a 2010 campaign and a less-than-inspired spring training, the path looked clear after Kevin Frandsen, the only legitimate contender for the job, was released on Friday.

Your Padres’ No. 3 Hitter Is Not Your Padre’s No. 3 Hitter

One detail I neglected to mention yesterday is the fact that Orlando Hudson batted third in Saturday’s game against the Cubs. This seemed peculiar to me, but I gave it little thought until I later saw that Bud Black is planning to use Hudson in that spot during the regular season.

Mailbag: On Lineup Construction

We had some good discussion about possible lineups for the 2011 Padres in last week’s open thread. Several suggestions were made regarding specific order, but a few “big picture” comments caught my attention.

Me, Elsewhere: Is It Lukewarm in Here, or Is That Just the Third Baseman?

I’m writing a new weekly column about the NL West at Baseball Prospectus this year. My first report examines the division’s third basemen. You know about Chase Headley, of course, but here are some of my thoughts on him: Headley has been better than many people realize, but with the departure of Adrian Gonzalez, the [...]