Search results for ‘adrian gonzalez

Gonzalez Garners Gold Glove

Congrats to Adrian Gonzalez for winning the first Gold Glove Award of his career. Although I’m thrilled for Gonzalez, who according to my eyes is a fantastic first baseman, I have mixed feelings about this choice from a group that essentially throws darts and hopes for the best. Albert Pujols (superior hitter) and Derrek Lee [...]

Writing the Book (13 Oct 08)

I’m still making good progress on the Ducksnorts 2009 Baseball Annual. This week I worked on player profiles and dashboards. My goal was to complete eight of ‘em, but I ended up doing 13. Next up: a few more full profiles to write, plus several shorter pieces on guys who didn’t contribute as much; I [...]

OBG08 Revisited: Hitters

Back in February we did some community projections for the 2008 Padres. In the interest of accountability, here’s how we measured up to reality. Catchers Josh Bard, 2008   PA BA OBP SLG Projected 425 .278 .357 .410 Actual 198 .202 .279 .270 Yuck. Our most pessimistic projection had Bard at a 725 OPS. Michael [...]

Writing the Book (6 Oct 08)

I’m happy to report that the first week of serious work on the Ducksnorts 2009 Baseball Annual went well. I made progress on several fronts: I had some good discussions with my editorial advisory board, which is just a fancy name for folks who are helping guide me as we move forward with the project. [...]

All-Time Padres Team

Last week I mentioned an all-time Padres team that I’ve been assembling. This wasn’t just an intellectual exercise. Our friends at Seamheads are running a simulation league this off-season with the best players from each big-league franchise, and they invited me to submit a 40-man roster for the Padres. Most of the choices were fairly [...]

Friday Links (12 Sep 08)

That was a fun one Thursday night, eh? I’d make a crack about how it’s only the Giants, but seeing as how we have virtually no chance of overtaking them for fourth place, that hardly seems appropriate. Seriously, though, it’s cool to see a bunch of these kids that I watched at Elsinore come up [...]

Partly Focused, with a Ten Percent Chance of Useful

Like that new Metallica song, I’m scattered and unfocused today, with hopefully a touch of good stuff in there somewhere… Folks have been singing the praises of Cha Seung Baek because his fastball actually creeps into the mid-90s. I look at his track record and apparent disinterest in attacking hitters, and have concerns, but Monday [...]

The Perils of Projecting

Five years ago today I was extolling the virtues of one Sean Burroughs, noting the similarities between his second big-league season and that of Derek Jeter. It sounds ridiculous now, but the comparison seemed valid at the time: Sean Burroughs vs Derek Jeter, Sophomore Season   Age PA BA OBP SLG OPS+ Statistics are courtesy [...]

Observations from the Weekend

First off, if your #2 hitter lays down a sacrifice bunt in the first inning — as Luis Rodriguez did on Friday night — then you probably need to find another #2 hitter. Second, for as indifferent as I generally am to the stolen base, it disturbs me that Willy Taveras has more than twice [...]

Please, Don’t Beat the Worms

In the Ducksnorts 2008 Baseball Annual I noted that Adrian Gonzalez didn’t ground into many double plays in 2007. Given how slow he is and how many he’d hit into the year before, this surprised me. Well, now he’s back to his old tricks: Adrian Gonzalez, Grounders and Double Plays Year PA GIDP GB% Statistics [...]