Tag Archive for ‘top prospects’ rss

Everywhere but Here

I’m all over the place today: How to Quit Your Job and Write a Book (Or Two) (BallHype). I posted this in the comments on Wednesday, but here’s a little “behind-the-scenes” look at the process of writing the Ducksnorts Baseball Annuals. Arizona Dreaming (Baseball Digest Daily). In spring training, what happens before the game is [...]

Prospects, Meetups, and Fantasy League

Uh-oh, another post full of bullet points. I am so jonesing for actual games… I’m seriously stuck in the past. The latest installment in my re-examination of the top prospects of ’98 is up at Knuckle Curve. Padres relevance? Rafael Medina checks in at #72, Ramon Hernandez at #74. Turning the clock back another decade, [...]

Friday Links (15 Feb 08)

Food safety tip: “carpaccio” is Italian for “sashimi,” which is Japanese for “it ain’t cooked.” Just so you know. Super quick links today. You provide the commentary… It’s spring: Brew yourself a piping hot pot of optimism Tom Krasovic identifies five story lines to watch in Peoria (h/t LynchMob) MadFriars.com talks to Corey Brock (h/t [...]