We’ve been tracking a few key young players since the All-Star break using Modified Box Scores (explanation). Let’s see how these kids are doing as measured by more conventional metrics. Bear in mind that we’re talking about 31 games, a tiny sample. First, the Padres as a team: Padres Offense, First and Second Half [...]
Tag Archive for ‘slg’ 
Hacking on a 2-1 Count
Yesterday we talked about the Padres’ inability to hit on a 2-1 count. We speculated on reasons why this might be so. Reader Anthony suggested that some hard hit balls may have died on the warning track at Petco or that some players might be thinking walk first when they get ahead in the count. [...]
Padres Batting by Count, 2004-2005
I’ve alluded to this before, and I don’t know what to make of it, but the Padres really struggled hitting in 2-1 counts this year: Padres Batting by Count, 2005 Count AB BA OBP SLG OPS ISO XBH/H AB/HR Stats courtesy ESPN. 0-0 666 .309 .309 .459 .768 .150 .311 39.18 0-1 559 .351 .358 [...]
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