The Padres dropped two out of three in Seattle over the weekend to lose this year’s Vedder Cup, 5-1. If you’re keeping score at home, here’s how the Padres have fared in Bud Selig’s idea of a “natural rivalry”…
Tag Archive for ‘seattle mariners’ 
Has It Started Yet?
Hey, look, a box score. The Padres lost, 13-12, to the Mariners (those rapscallions!) in 10 innings. Nick Hundley, James Darnell, and Logan Forsythe all homered for San Diego. Starter Tim Stauffer got shelled. Samuel Deduno took the loss.
Friday Links (29 Oct 10)
All the east-west roads that connect US-101 and I-5 look the same, and it’s always hard to remember whether I’ve driven on a particular one. Pretty sure SR-152 was new to me. The sight of San Luis Reservoir and its dark blue water caught me by surprise. I had a vague notion that it was [...]
Friday Links (27 Aug 10)
Now, with 30% more iron… irony… something… Study Finds Independent Bloggers “Least Trusted”, Likely Denied Press Credentials in Baseball (Biz of Baseball). In related news, independent bloggers find study least trusted. [h/t BBTF] Rob Dibble Thinks Stephen Strasburg Should ‘Suck It Up’ (FanHouse). Every village needs an idiot, I suppose. Quoth the one in question: [...]
Me, Elsewhere: Griffey, with a Twist of Whitman
Lost in the madness of last week’s nearly perfect game, Ken Griffey Jr. announced his retirement. My latest at Hardball Times examines one of the best players I ever saw and includes a story I may have told once or twice but that bears repeating, about the first time I got to see him in [...]
Olive Pudding
It’s great to see the Padres sign all their top draft picks this year. First-round pick Donavan Tate (whom I was fortunate enough to meet last week, but we’ll get to that in a moment) took batting practice with the big club Tuesday night and impressed the veterans with his “respect and humility.” Tom Krasovic [...]
It Could Be Worse; Just Ask the Mariners
Bullet points this morning: I’ve got a new piece up at Baseball Digest Daily that talks about the challenges facing the Seattle Mariners this off-season. Here in San Diego, the Padres have their work cut out for them as they attempt to rebuild, but there’s something to be said for not owing Jarrod Washburn, Miguel [...]
Like Taking Candy from Fish in a Barrel
by Geoff Young on May 23, 2011 (24) Comments
Swept by the hated Mariners by a combined score of 14-2? Nice of the Padres to make a cameo in Seattle’s weekend romp through our humble hamlet. The Padres are now 8-18 at Petco Park and have been outscored 109-59, or by roughly two runs a game. Here is where pithy commentary on an increasingly [...]