There is a basilica in Santa Fe, New Mexico, whose bells ring every hour on the hour. The basilica is named after Giovanni Francesco di Bernadone, better known as St. Francis of Assisi, founder of the Franciscan Order and patron saint of animals. He died in 1226 while singing Psalm 141, which includes the memorable [...]
Tag Archive for ‘sandy alderson’ 
Me, Elsewhere: How Ducksnorts Got Started, Thoughts on New Media, and More
I’ve done a Q & A about blogging, new media, and what not with online friend Rolin, whom I’ve known on the interwebs for many years. I recognize that this stuff may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but he asked great questions and I think it makes for a cool read, although I’m biased.
DePodesta Rejoins Alderson in New York
The Mets have hired Paul DePodesta as vice president of player development and amateur scouting. DePodesta, a holdover from the John Moores/Sandy Alderson regime, rejoins Alderson in New York. During his time with the Padres, DePodesta always went out of his way to make bloggers feel welcome. As Gaslamp Ball’s jbox notes, “Paul was a [...]
Tuesday Links (2 Nov 10)
We had another cool riff going but didn’t record it, which is probably just as well since the lyrics consisted, essentially, of an obscene joke involving Oprah Winfrey and leather sofas. It was very offensive but very funny and I was laughing so hard I could barely play the notes…
Friday Links (29 Oct 10)
All the east-west roads that connect US-101 and I-5 look the same, and it’s always hard to remember whether I’ve driven on a particular one. Pretty sure SR-152 was new to me. The sight of San Luis Reservoir and its dark blue water caught me by surprise. I had a vague notion that it was [...]
Alderson Clearinghouse
With Sandy Alderson being one of two finalists for the New York Mets GM vacancy, there has been renewed interest in a three-part interview I conducted with him in June 2008. This past weekend, excerpts appeared at Metszilla and ESPN New York. I chatted with Lori Rubinson on her WFAN radio show Sunday night and [...]
Friday Links (22 Oct 10)
I dreamed of Jeff Reardon. We were discussing the nature of regret. I was walking through a park with a girl I once knew. We held hands as we walked and then kissed. I woke up and made coffee, only I wasn’t awake and I wasn’t making coffee. Dreams are confusing. Let’s just do links [...]
Friday Links (8 Oct 10)
I’m still working on my season wrapup. Every time I sit down to write, it comes out “lkjasdf” or “qweiopu” or even “)*(#@%)*#$!!!” I do have some thoughts, but I’m finding it difficult to articulate them. Meanwhile, we’ve got lots o’ links…
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