Before we get to the rest of the links, I have to call my own number. I’ve got a new article up at Hardball Times that looks back at some old projections I did here at Ducksnorts many moons ago. Good fun… Lots to cover this morning: Padres experienced relative success in Moores Era (San [...]
Tag Archive for ‘san diego union tribune’ 
Friday Links (9 May 08)
Don’t know how we ended up with so many of these, but here they are: Padres can’t pin hitting woes on Petco (ESPN, h/t parlo). Quoth Khalil Greene: I’m not going to consistently say it, but the ballpark plays a major factor in it — more than anybody lets on at times. That’s the reality [...]
Q&A with Tom Krasovic
Tom Krasovic has been covering the Padres for the San Diego Union-Tribune since 1994. Recently he took time out of his busy schedule to discuss baseball, the beat, and life. We exchanged emails over the course of several days, and although it’s difficult to convey certain nuances over the ‘net, Krasovic’s passion for the game [...]
Everybody Loves Tadahito
Says here we’ve been “dot-com” for 6 years now. Cool. Anyway, I’m working on an interview with Tom Krasovic of the San Diego Union-Tribune (it’ll run on Monday), and one topic we discussed was potential surprises among Padres for 2008. The name that came up was new second baseman Tadahito Iguchi: Iguchi had some problems [...]
Friday Links (14 Mar 08)
Quick reminder for those of you in the Ducksnorts 2 fantasy league: We’re drafting Friday at 7 p.m. PT. Be there or be stuck with a crappy team. To the links: MB at Friar Forecast continues his interview with Padres front office staffer Chris Long. My favorite part: Then the robots kill all humans, but [...]
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