I received a delightful note from a fan the other day. It didn’t make sense to me at the time, but apparently he was anticipating this past weekend’s three-game sweep in Pittsburgh. I’ll reprint the message in its entirety: Dear Sir/Madam Am Mr Jerry and i would like to order Brooms from you and would [...]
Tag Archive for ‘rob johnson’ 
Running with Geeks: One Man’s Experience of SABR41
I finally made it to a SABR convention, and was it ever worth the wait. This year’s convention took place in Long Beach, which meant that I could attend with relative ease (having to catch a plane is usually a deal-breaker for me, but a two-hour drive is no problem).
Another Lost Weekend
I didn’t see it, don’t even really want to know about it. I was watching Padres GM Jed Hoyer speak — along with former Dodgers GMs Fred Claire and Dan Evans — at SABR41 (I’m still sifting through my notes; a report will follow at some later date) when Aaron Harang and friends almost spun [...]
All Over Everything and Stuff
For a team headed nowhere, there sure is a lot going on, eh? Let’s get to it…
Draft Impressions, First Basemen, Curmudgeonliness
Today’s not-so-fully formed thoughts are brought to you by Tempus Fugit, frustrating humans since forever…
Mailbag: On Lineup Construction
We had some good discussion about possible lineups for the 2011 Padres in last week’s open thread. Several suggestions were made regarding specific order, but a few “big picture” comments caught my attention.
In Defense of Nick Hundley
Steve at Friarhood Radio recently had me on his show to discuss Jed Hoyer’s off-season moves, the role of sabermetrics in today’s game, and more. I get all rambly, as usual, but it was good fun. Big thanks to Steve for the chat. One item that came up in conversation is whether Nick Hundley can [...]
Arbitration Avoidification
The Padres avoided arbitration with all five of their remaining eligible players on Tuesday. Jed Hoyer appears to share his predecessor’s distaste for the “you stink, but we love you anyway” method of determining salary.
One Day, They Will Be Less Young and Less Awful
by Geoff Young on Aug 03, 2011 (12) Comments
It is difficult to watch the Padres right now. Between Cory Luebke’s Monday night clinic on how not to field the pitcher position, Rob Johnson’s excellent Gary Bennett impersonation (hey, there’s a 2-0 slider; I’ll bet if I swing, I can pop it up to shortstop), and the team’s general offensive incompetence, there just isn’t [...]