Padres skipper Bud Black started Alberto Gonzalez at first base on Friday evening against the Dodgers. The results were predictably awful, as Ted Lilly and three relievers proceeded to blank the home club on four hits. With Kyle Blanks and Jesus Guzman nursing injuries and a lefty on the mound, Black’s options were limited. He [...]
Tag Archive for ‘randy-jones’ 
Padres Bloggers Unite!
The good folks at RJ’s Fro have put together an event that promises to be like no other. Really, when you think about it, are any two events identical? Anyway, here are the vitals: Sunday, April 3, 10:30 a.m – 4 p.m. Randy Jones All American Sports Grill 7510 Hazard Center Dr. Suite 215 San [...]
Friday Links (29 Oct 10)
All the east-west roads that connect US-101 and I-5 look the same, and it’s always hard to remember whether I’ve driven on a particular one. Pretty sure SR-152 was new to me. The sight of San Luis Reservoir and its dark blue water caught me by surprise. I had a vague notion that it was [...]
Me Elsewhere: Tough-Luck Pitchers
As threatened, postings will occur more frequently this year. If you’re looking for the Jon Garland thread, it’s over here. Meanwhile, my latest is up at Hardball Times. It’s all about pitchers who ended up with losing records despite pitching very well. Dave Roberts’ epic 1971 campaign with the Padres tops the list. Five times [...]
THT Season Preview, Seamheads Historical League
Couple things. First off, I’m pleased to announce that The Hardball Times Season Preview 2009 is now available (details from David Gassko, our editor). I contributed the chapter on the Padres. Buy the book. It rocks. And it’ll give you something to read while you’re waiting for my book. Second, the Seamheads Historical League has [...]
Links for 8 Nov 08
What the heck, I’m up anyway. Let’s have a little Saturday morning linkfest… Organization picks up $9 million option for right fielder in 2009. Tom Krasovic at the U-T reports that the Padres have picked up Brian Giles’ option for 2009. Score one for common sense. Adrian Gonzalez-Jim Stone Extravaganza Golf Tournament & Fiesta. Adrian [...]
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