I’m feverishly checking off my list of things to do before Opening Day and happy to report that another task is more or less complete: One of the casualties of my old magically disappearing web host, PadreBlogs.com, is back up and running. Bad news: The old functionality, which identified and linked to the most recent [...]
Tag Archive for ‘padreblogs’ 
Site Non-update
Last month my web hosting company apparently went out of business without telling anyone. Repeated attempts to contact them have been unsuccessful, but if you’re interested in the sordid details, a fellow refugee has documented the situation. Apart from the drama, this is where we stand: I managed to back up my database a few [...]
Geoff’s Publishing Schedule for 2009
Thing is, writing the 2009 Annual took a lot out of me. So does writing software documentation 40 hours a week. Life is good; I’ve got no complaints or regrets. That said, you deserve to know why I’m scaling back production this year. Here’s the plan for 2009: Monday: Ducksnorts Tuesday: Baseball Daily Digest Thursday [...]
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