Geoff’s Publishing Schedule for 2009

Thing is, writing the 2009 Annual took a lot out of me. So does writing software documentation 40 hours a week.

Life is good; I’ve got no complaints or regrets. That said, you deserve to know why I’m scaling back production this year. Here’s the plan for 2009:

Also, you may notice a shift here at Ducksnorts. Good research takes time and energy, both of which are in short supply, while bad research isn’t worth the electrons via which it is transmitted. Expect less number crunching and more… weirdness.

If you need your daily Padres fix — and trust me, you do — head over to Friar Forecast, Gaslamp Ball, and Who’s Your Padre. Others may come along as well, and I’ll continue to track those at PadreBlogs.

As always, thanks much for your support. Let’s enjoy another great season together.

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