While we’re all waiting for a miracle or three, here are your links…
Tag Archive for ‘mat latos’ 
Tuesday Links (28 Sep 10)
I hate writing the intros to these things. The pressure to say something witty is enormous and I always fall short. Then again, in so doing, I remove my own burden. I feel better already…
Saturday Links (18 Sep 10)
When the world is running down, you make the best of what’s still around…
Stranded, Caught in the Crossfire
I’d intended to launch into a tirade about drawing seven walks against the opposing starter and losing, but it turns out that happens fairly often. Since 1920, teams are 2077-2158 in games where the starting pitcher allows at least seven walks. That’s a .490 winning percentage, which is both surprising and hardly cause for a [...]
Thursday Links (9 Sep 10)
Real life rears its ugly head, so we’ll run links a day early this week. It’s crazy party time…
Two Is More Than One
I finally made it to a game Tuesday night. About time… I get cranky when I can’t get out to the ballpark, and it had been way too long. Ah, who am I kidding? I’m always cranky.
The ‘W’ Word
A win? Huh, there’s a novel concept. It was just like old times on Monday night, with the Padres doing the little things… strong pitching, strong defense, timely hitting. What more do you need? As strategies go, it beats hoping the Giants and Rockies keep losing. To the bullet points: Tim Stauffer did a great [...]
Nine Thoughts for Nine Losses
I Losing nine straight down the stretch stinks. There is no other way to put it. Despite their current two-game lead in the National League West, the Padres find themselves teetering at the edge of an uncomfortable precipice. As I said earlier in the week, when the streak was a more manageable six games, “…if [...]
Cleanup on Aisle 14-to-4
by Geoff Young on Sep 17, 2010 (0) Comments
I have two questions that are much easier to answer now that we know the outcomes: Do you suppose maybe Mat Latos has reached his innings limit? Do you suppose maybe Jake Westbrook would come in handy right about now? As a visual aid, here are their last two starts (you may remember Westbrook’s domination [...]