There is a basilica in Santa Fe, New Mexico, whose bells ring every hour on the hour. The basilica is named after Giovanni Francesco di Bernadone, better known as St. Francis of Assisi, founder of the Franciscan Order and patron saint of animals. He died in 1226 while singing Psalm 141, which includes the memorable [...]
Tag Archive for ‘jeff moorad’ 
Thursday Links (7 Jul 11)
Today’s links are grouped according to categories that work best if you don’t think about them too much. Go read stuff. It’s good for you…
Wednesday Links (13 Apr 11)
While the Padres have been busy losing winnable games, I’ve been busy doing life stuff. In lieu of actual content, here are some links…
Best Single-Game Hitting Performances in Padres History
I’ve had this on my to-do list for a while. Now’s as good a time as any… Using Baseball-Reference’s Play Index tool, I found the top 300 single-game performances by Padres hitters as measured by RE24 and WPA. One of these measures runs, the other wins… so they’re not on the same scale. It makes [...]
Padres Awards Dinner
The Padres held their annual awards dinner Wednesday night at the San Diego Hall of Champions. Thanks to their generosity, I had the pleasure of attending, along with folks from Friarhood, Gaslamp Ball, and RJ’s Fro. Corey Brock offers the facts; I offer impressions as a fan…
Tuesday Links (7 Dec 10)
You cannot stop links, you can only hope to contain them.
Thursday Links (14 Oct 10)
Go crazy…
Me, Elsewhere: Padres Preview at THT
It’s that time of year again. My annual Five Questions article is up at Hardball Times. One of my questions focuses on the new ownership group and what it is doing to regain fan trust: Jeff Moorad and President and COO Tom Garfinkel have come in and expressed a commitment to the organization, the fans, [...]
Let Me Stay Here a While
by Geoff Young on Oct 18, 2010 (19) Comments
I am of two minds when it comes to the Padres’ unexpected success in 2010. It is satisfying to know that a team that had the second lowest payroll in baseball and that was given little chance at finishing anywhere other than last in the National League West notched 90 wins (fourth most in 42 [...]