Tag Archive for ‘ismael valdez’ rss

Me, Elsewhere: They Don’t Pitch Like That Anymore

My latest at Hardball Times examines the four greatest pitchers duels of the 1920s and 1930s, including the classic May 1, 1920, battle between the Brooklyn Robins and the Boston Braves that saw starters Leon Cadore and Joe Oeschger work all 26 innings of a 1-1 tie. There is no real Padres angle here. Gaylord [...]

Me, Elsewhere: Thanks for All the Runs

My latest at Hardball Times examines pitchers that succeeded despite not pitching very well. Our pal Ismael Valdez, who once inspired some wretched poetry, appears on this list. For grins, here are the five lowest ERA+ of Padres pitchers who qualified for the ERA title and finished with a winning record: Kevin Jarvis, 2001: 12-11, [...]

Three Years of Blogging

Pads got spanked. Curt Schilling vs Ismael Valdez; you were perhaps expecting some other outcome? Right. Anyway, it says here that I’ve been blogging now for three years. Egads. I’m not a big anniversary kind of guy, but this does give me an excuse to throw out some props to everyone who reads, links, talks [...]