Tag Archive for ‘home runs’ rss

Regardless of Venue, Homers Are Hard to Come By in San Diego

The folks at Gaslamp Ball have a fun article up about polarizing topics for Padres fans. Among the topics is Petco Park’s effect on offense. It’s a legitimate concern, but part of the discussion centers on a fallacy: “Fans used to seeing home runs fly out of a Qualcomm Stadium at an average rate were [...]

Talking to Myself: Sometimes I Even Make Sense

The Padres lost on Monday, 6-3, to the Blue Jays. I offered some thoughts on Twitter (some didn’t make it thanks to a surprise visit by the Fail Whale) and figured I’d look back to see if any of it makes sense the next morning. To clarify, what follows is commentary on commentary of an [...]

Kings of the Road

I was hoping to have the next installment of our Operation Center Field series ready, but I’m still hacking through the data jungle. Instead, I’ll share a few items I found along the way that might help you win a bar bet or three: MLB Road Home Runs in 2007 Brewers: 110 Padres: 99 Phillies: [...]