For a team headed nowhere, there sure is a lot going on, eh? Let’s get to it…
Tag Archive for ‘dirk hayhurst’ 
Great Pitchers Duels in Padres History: Andy Hawkins vs Orel Hershiser, 9/28/88
I touched on this game in my Epic Pitchers Duels series at Hardball Times, but it deserves further attention. To most of the baseball world, it is the game where Orel Hershiser broke Don Drysdale’s consecutive scoreless innings streak. To Bip Roberts, it is the game where Mark Parent saved his backside.
Friday Links (7 Jan 11)
Looking for Hall of Fame links? There were so many, they got their own space. For everything else, please press “0″ or hold for the next available operator…
Friday Links (12 Nov 10)
One of the great things about doing crossword puzzles is that you get to use words that you would never, in any other circumstance, get to use. “Oleo” is my favorite. It shows up at least twice a week and usually is accompanied by a clue that reads, “Fridge item that you don’t call by [...]
Friday Links (7 May 10)
You cannot stop them, you can only hope to contain them… Friday Links… Skip It (Watson Files). Dan Watson gives us the lowdown on several Padres prospects, including right-handers Simon Castro and Alexis Lara, as well as shortstop Jonathan Galvez. Incidentally, only two players in the entire organization (Adrian Gonzalez and Vincent Belnome) have drawn [...]
Friday Links (16 Apr 10)
This week’s links are proudly sponsored by coffee. Give yourself a present… Uno Oh, To Be A Padre In August ’80 (Baseball-Reference). Steve Lombardi notes that the Padres played three games of 17 innings or more within a 12-day stretch back in 1980. Yikes. Bill James for Nobel (Sabermetric Research). This article from Phil Birnbaum [...]
Friday Links (5 Mar 10)
Friday. Links. Friday Links. Get it? Three thoughts (Inside the Padres). Quoth Grady Fuson, as related by Tom Krasovic: “I told Will Venable: ‘You’re going to end up being a better big leaguer than you were a minor leaguer. I hardly every say that (about a player), but I believe it. I do.” Yeah, I’ve [...]
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