Friday Links (7 Jan 11)

Looking for Hall of Fame links? There were so many, they got their own space. For everything else, please press “0″ or hold for the next available operator…

Current Padres

  • The Playoffs Sweet Spot (FanGraphs). The Padres are rebuilding, while the defending champs in San Francisco are considered “fringe contenders”? Tough crowd…
  • Makeover bolsters Padres’ defense, pitching ( Corey Brock asks a bunch of questions and provides an equal number of answers. He suggests, among other things, that Aaron Cunningham may start the year at Triple-A. If you need to know where Cunningham stands in the organization, well, he’s 25 years old… so there you go.
  • Brad Hawpe (Inside the Padres). Tom Krasovic remembers a home run Hawpe, then with the Rockies, hit at Petco Park in 2007.
  • Brad Hawpe replacing Adrian Gonzalez, doing his thing (Gaslamp Ball). Jbox doesn’t care for the Hawpe signing: “…my expectations are extremely low for Brad Hawpe… Would any of you be surprised if he’s not playing first base full time at the end of the season? Not me.” It wouldn’t surprise me, either, but I don’t care. His long-term importance to the organization is nil. Best case, he provides enough now to help and/or fetch something of value in trade, making way for the prospects when they are ready. (This, incidentally, is why passing on Adam LaRoche and his desire for a long-term contract was a good idea.)
  • The Padres Waive Type A (FanGraphs). Jed Hoyer has devised a novel strategy for drawing free agents to San Diego, i.e., “promising not to offer arbitration if his newly inked free agents reach Type A status.”
  • Rich Team, Poor Team – Part II (Pitchers Hit Eighth). This is a thoughtful piece on a subject that I know bothers some Padres fans. As I mentioned to the author on Twitter: “Nice article, although it’s worth noting that our ‘shoddy bill of goods’ won more than yours in 2010.” Just havin’ some fun…

Former Padres

Future Padres




Happy Friday…