I received a delightful note from a fan the other day. It didn’t make sense to me at the time, but apparently he was anticipating this past weekend’s three-game sweep in Pittsburgh. I’ll reprint the message in its entirety: Dear Sir/Madam Am Mr Jerry and i would like to order Brooms from you and would [...]
Tag Archive for ‘clayton richard’ 
We Were Young and Stupid
When I was younger and measured days by the inning rather than by proximity to the next mortgage payment, I ridiculed people for arriving late to ball games. Such luxury… Nowadays, I am grateful to arrive at all.
Weekend Musings
Tim Stauffer hit his spots on Friday night and had good movement on his breaking ball en route to a career-high nine strikeouts. Stauffer appeared to tire in the seventh, when he gave up a couple well-struck balls, including Freddie Freeman’s two-run homer to dead center that accounted for Atlanta’s lone runs.
Padres Take Series at Fenway, and I’m Not Even Kidding
You may be wondering how the sad, sad Padres took a series from the big, bad Red Sox in their house. It’s simple, let me explain: I have no clue.
So, Yeah… Poreda
When the Padres recalled Anthony Bass on Monday (he won his debut — congrats on that) to replace the injured Aaron Harang, they had to clear a spot on the 40-man roster for Bass. To do so, they severed ties with another pitcher named Aaron.
Pity About the Padres Offense
The Padres made Jake Westbrook work hard on Saturday in St. Louis. The veteran right-hander used 89 pitches and didn’t survive the fifth inning. Five walks helped. Three of those five walks came around to score.
Opening Day Links and Open Thread
Well, it’s here. First, we have links to whet your appetite…
I Think I Sprained My Cliche
Spring training has arrived. Players are preparing to give 110% while staying within themselves. They won’t try to do too much… one day at a time, of course. They’re busy people. It’s all very complicated; just try to stay with them. Here’s a quick rundown of what to look for this spring…
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