Search results for ‘chris young

Tuesday Links (9 Nov 10)

Pretend I said something clever here. I won’t tell if you don’t…

One-Hit Wonders: Jim Bruske to Mike Couchee

This is Part 3 of a 13-part series examining the 65 men who have collected exactly one hit as a member of the San Diego Padres. The current installment includes two Loyola Marymount Lions (one of whose brother plays in the NFL), the man drafted just after Barry Bonds, the man drafted just after Carney [...]

I Almost Prayed in Albuquerque: This Side

In Summer 2007, I drove from San Diego to Cooperstown for Tony Gwynn’s induction into the Baseball Hall of Fame. This is Part 2 of a nine-part series covering the first day of my journey. My decision to drive from San Diego to Cooperstown for Tony Gwynn’s induction into the Baseball Hall of Fame was [...]

Thursday Links (14 Oct 10)

Go crazy…

Friday Links (8 Oct 10)

I’m still working on my season wrapup. Every time I sit down to write, it comes out “lkjasdf” or “qweiopu” or even “)*(#@%)*#$!!!” I do have some thoughts, but I’m finding it difficult to articulate them. Meanwhile, we’ve got lots o’ links…

Revisiting IVIE 2010

Back in March, we released the Ducksnorts community projections (hitters, pitchers), lovingly dubbed IVIE in honor of former Padres first-round pick Mike Ivie. Like most projections, they were fun and probably less useful than some folks might prefer to believe. In the interest of accountability (and fun), I thought we’d look back at our guesses [...]

Second Verse, Same as the First

This is nuts. How have the Padres won 90 games this year? How have they come back from the brink of oblivion to make Sunday’s regular-season finale mean something?

Friday Links (1 Oct 10)

While we’re all waiting for a miracle or three, here are your links…

Axis: Cold as Glove

James Dean died before he had the chance to make lousy movies. Same with Jimi Hendrix and music. Had Hendrix lived on, he probably would have done great things; then again, he might have ended up singing the theme song from Mannequin (with Dean playing Phil Rubenstein’s part in the film, no doubt).

Tuesday Links (28 Sep 10)

I hate writing the intros to these things. The pressure to say something witty is enormous and I always fall short. Then again, in so doing, I remove my own burden. I feel better already…