Search results for ‘adrian gonzalez

Nobody Ever Paid Money to Watch an Umpire Assert His Authority

In the eighth inning of Saturday night’s loss to the Brewers, Padres first baseman Adrian Gonzalez and manager Bud Black were ejected by home plate umpire Rob Drake for arguing balls and strikes. Of course, this is well within Drake’s right, as stipulated by Rule 9.02(a) of MLB’s Official Baseball Rules, which reads: Any umpire’s [...]

Garland Arrives in Style, Everyone Speculates about Gonzalez

It was nice of Jon Garland to finally arrive at the party. Sure, the ERA has been pretty, but that’s mostly because he keeps putting his defense to sleep. I fell asleep a few times during Tuesday’s victory over the Marlins, although Garland isn’t to blame (I’m fighting a little bug, nothing serious). He pitched [...]

Padres Take Series in Cincinnati

Two out of three in Cincy? Sure, another sweep would have been nice, but I’ll take it. We are perhaps getting spoiled by the early success, no? (Oops, I see my inner Hercule Poirot has escaped again.)

Seven Bullets for Seven Wins

Random thoughts from Friday night’s victory over the Reds… Kevin Correia did a nice Adam Eaton impression, dominating and then unraveling. Correia had a no-no through five but couldn’t make it out of the sixth. The Padres have scored 35 runs in his four starts. Or, to put it another way, 47.3% of all runs [...]

Brooms, Cliches… It’s All Good

Another day, another thrashing of the Diamondbacks bullpen. I’m going to miss those guys. Here’s how the Padres won their weekend series against Arizona: Starters IP H R ER HR BB K SD 15.2 8 3 0 0 10 17 SD 15.2 8 4 1 0 10 17 Ari 17.0 11 2 2 1 11 [...]

Change Is Good, and So Is Winning

We made it to our first game of 2010 on Saturday night. I was prepared to hate the new 5:35 start time, but it turns out I didn’t. We had to rearrange our eating schedule, although that worked out well, as it resulted in a Lolita’s carne asada burrito after the game. Speaking of change, [...]

Chasin’ the Snakes Away

Getting a late start on a lazy Saturday. I wasn’t planning to write today, but how can I not say a few words about the season’s best game so far? It didn’t start out that way. Most of the night was an exercise in frustration. As Tim Hudson did on Thursday, Edwin Jackson had trouble [...]

Not Ironic, Really, Just Coincidental

Rain is falling and I’m trying to think of something — anything — to say about Opening Day. Well, it’s here… assuming the rain lets up at some point. The Padres come home after a 2-4 road trip that may tempt some observers to go all Nile Rodgers on the team. I dunno, it’s six [...]

Stuff I Mostly Didn’t See on Saturday

I missed most of Saturday’s win against the Rockies. Caught the first few innings while driving to Elsinore, then heard Heath Bell’s high-wire act in the 14th. Watched a little of the rebroadcast on Channel 4 when I got home. It will shock you to learn that I have some thoughts on the game anyway: [...]

Friday Links (9 Apr 10)

I kind of went overboard today… Gunter Finally on board the sabermetrics revolution (ESPN). Bill Simmons? Oh, my. Good man, and glad to have you with us! [h/t Baseball-Reference] Closer Bell opens door on many topics ( Heath Bell has nice things to say about teammate Will Venable: “He’s showed a lot more power than [...]