If the Padres hadn’t blown that first game in Cincy, they’d be headed to LA already in first place. Funny how a team that some folks still don’t think can hold on to the wild card isn’t done fighting for the division, eh? And call me crazy, but I actually like heading into this series slightly behind the Dodgers. Any potential for letdown is completely erased.
Them boys are hungry.
Speaking of hungry, how ’bout some links:
- Over at Padres Run Down, Peter Friberg talks about the importance of working counts as the Padres make their run at the playoffs. He also likes the Friars’ chances of reaching 85 wins, which doesn’t sound very ambitious until you realize that this would be an improvement over 2005.
- NL West is still up for grabs (ESPN). Mark Simon breaks down the upcoming series between the Padres and Dodgers. Some great pitching matchups. This promises to be a fascinating weekend.
- Playoff pulse: Scheduling conflict (Yahoo!). Jeff Passan ranks the schedules of playoff contenders headed into the final stretch. Among 15 teams, the Dodgers have the second easiest schedule, while the Padres are middle of the pack. Passan has another piece on the Padres that probably is more useful to folks who don’t know much about the team. He praises the pitching staff, but in a sort of backhanded way.
- RBI Gap (Baseball Musings). David Pinto looks at the biggest gaps between the top two RBI guys on a team since 1900. Would you believe that Sammy Sosa drove in 94 more runs than the man who finished second in 2001?
- Ten Great Pickups by Omar Minaya (Hardball Times). Dave Studeman likes what the Mets GM has done this year, particularly in assembling his spare parts. If the Padres had a better bench, you could probably put Kevin Towers right up there with Minaya.
- Barry Zito breaks down his famous curveball (Contra Costa Times). With all the talk about Zito potentially coming to San Diego as a free agent (I remain skeptical due to what I suspect his price tag might be), here’s an interesting look at his curve ball. Maybe by the time you read this, they’ll have added the photos. [Tip o' the Ducksnorts cap to Baseball Musings.]
Happy Friday, everyone, and go Padres!
Looking at the padres remaining games I think 85 wins is not a stretch, If the pads can stay warm then I think they can do better than 85.
Series left:
LA – 3-1
AZ – 2-1
Pit – 3-0
Stl – 2-1
AZ – 2-2
88 – 74
So….my Firefox favorite tab list goes like this (from left to right) Ducksnorts, Padres Rundown (welcome back Pete), MadFriars, Padres home page, UT-Padres. After that, I generally link from inside other pages.
Anyone else have anything interesting?
88 wins would be awesome.
We’ve got to get some 1996 mojo going today. I think I’m going to take out my tape of the final regular season game. I have to find it.
check out http://www.gaslampball.com
Dex and JBox always have . . . um . . . interesting stuff there. The site is pretty funny.
Geoff – what do you think Boras will open with as a price for Zito?
I could easily see $15M or $16M for 5 years, and I could see Boras trying for more. $18M per year wouldn’t surprise me. $20M would be impressive, but if the Yankees and Mets get into a bidding war…well, I don’t think $20M is out of the realm of probability.
Ive heard that $20 mil is the number, but who knows.
Maybe Randy Jones can talk him down to $15 mil
Nick, Gaslamp is one of the ones I link to from Ducksnorts (like hardball times, etc.). Thanks though
My little query wasn’t meant to find more online Padre banter (although that is always nice). It was just to see what sites are priority for folks who frequent Ducksnorts. Just a little Friday fun.
With all the excitement in the air (and it is absolutely genuine), I couldn’t resist putting you in the spotlight on Baseball Nooz today. The San Diego-Los Angeles series is baseball drama at its best. Now that my Braves are out of it, I will root for the Padres. (Of course, I’ve always loved Greg Maddux, a pitcher’s pticher.) But never being a Dodgers’ fan, who am I supposed to cheer? The Mets? I don’t think so. The Cardinals? No thanks.
I hope your pitching can pull the Padres through.
Walter Roark (editor)
(All baseball, all the time—over
220 blog feeds + news sources)
P.S. We also included a link for Knuckle Curve. Best of luck.
Pad4 Life:
Staples for me that aren’t necessarily Padre talk:
– SI.com — Truth & Rumors and Verducci
– ESPN — Olney’s blog (you need to be an insider), and the UniWatch column
– Deadspin.com is always interesting
– LA Times
– Rocky Mt News — for Tracy Ringolsby
– Baseball America
And my humor fix
I always read Olney’s blog on ESPN…
Also count Baseball-Reference.com, baseballmusings.com, and USA Today Baseball page as daily reading…
For non baseball related sites…well, not many. Usually read http://www.flyertalk.com (I travel a lot), cnnfn.com (investments and $$$), and woot.com (I am a sucker for a good deal.)
Big series this weekend. It seems that many fans are taking the fact that we have swept the last couple of series for granted. I like the way the pitching match-ups are stacked, but I think a split is still likely.
Either way, we have a great shot at October…just don’t lose 3 of 4.
I was just reflecting on how much fun this September is, compared to those from only a few short years ago. I started to think “regardless of what happens,” but then decided I was greedy. Screw it, let’s sweep the dogs.
#2 My links:
Pro Sports Daily, Padres Rumors
Ben Maller
MLB Trade Rumors, and
Newly added, Knuckle Curve
#5: I haven’t given it too much thought, but considering what the Padres appear willing to spend on payroll, I fear it will too high a percentage for any one player. I think one of the things I think Klesko and Nevin taught us is that a team like the Padres needs to diversify — don’t put all your investments in the same fund, so to speak. I’d really rather see the Pads try to bring in two or three solid players than one stud.
#10: Thanks, Walter, for the plug and providing such a great service! Hopefully the Pads can get it done.
#13: Thanks for the Knuckle Curve love. I hope everyone enjoys the new blog as I do. It’s only been a week, but already I’m getting even more satisfaction out of writing about the Padres here (didn’t think that was possible!) because now I have an outlet for all that other stuff.
Finally, I want to see everyone here for the IGDs this weekend. Even those of you who don’t normally comment. This is a huge series. Time to pump up the volume!
GY, I would love to comment during the IGD, but with a 1.208 yr old (14 1/2 month) toddler, it is hard enough to get my wife to let me watch the game let alone watch it and ignore the rest of the world (i.e. stay with my head buried in a computer).
By the way, I just added Knuckle Curve to the right of Padres Rundown (Wow GY, you have #’s 1 & 3 on my list, not bad). Now, all you need is to get a cool little icon for the browser tab like Ducksnorts has and you are set. I was thinking a little baseball icon with some knuckles wrapped around it would be stud but it may not show up well as an icon. Same for Padres RunDown, Mr. Friberg.
Geoff, thanks for top-billing… Also, thanks PF4L, but please, call me Peter, I’m only 32, “Mr. Friberg” is my dad.
Geoff, you said,
“With all the talk about Zito potentially coming to San Diego as a free agent (I remain skeptical due to what I suspect his price tag might be)…”
What has been the Padres’ strength this year? Pitching. (Ding! Correct!)
What has been the Padres’ weakness this year? Hitting. (Ding! Correct again!)
So why would we want to spend the lion’s share of the money we have on a pitcher? Now, that said, if we can get him for around $10-12m per, then sure… But if he costs $14+ (with both NY teams, Texas, Anaheim, Seattle, etc involved then $14+ per won’t be a surprise) leave me out of it.
Here is who I think the Pads will pick up with the extra cash:
Gill Meche – KT loves this guy and has wanted him for years
Adam Eaton – unless the rangers or mariners offer him big money I see the pads offering him a 1 year deal to show the league he can make it through a season
Some form of veteran left handed relief pitcher – I don’t see Embree coming back even though he has done well
Re-sign Walker, Re-sign Branyan, Re-sign Blum
Find some form of a 3B (but I can see KT going with Branyan and putting us through another year of agony)
but then again its to early to think about next year the pads need to win this year
Thats also what I think the pads will do not what I think they should do.
Have I been reading wrong? Didn’t Cashman say last week that their interest in Zito was minimal?
The only hope the Pads have to sign Zito would be at a discount…he hired Boras as his agent…translation is that it ain’t gonna happen.
I expect a better hitter at 3B and Ben Johnson to either start in LF or be traded as part of a deal for a more studly 3B…Jaime Moyer seems like KT’s type of pitcher
…and don’t count out a return of Adam Eaton.
Steve (re: #1): Let me expand on what I wrote (about winning 85)…
First, the reason I used 85 as the benchmark number, is because that’s what we’re on pace for.
Now, if you ask me, I think we’ll win 86-7… I do NOT think we’ll win EVERY series from here on out, but I think we’ll win more than we lose.
Secondly, if we do ONLY win 85, I think we’ll still reach the playoffs (who knows if that’s as a Wild Card or NL West repeater)…
Anyone else PUMPED about tonight?
Hey Peter, I am 45, the Mr. part made it a command :>)
I think the Dodgers would pay “top dollar” for Zito, at the expense of Maddux. I think Maddux can be had by the Padres within their budget. I don’t think Wells is going to play next year, and if Park takes a bigger and better offer from another team, I’d like to have Maddux around to mentor the “younger” guys and the “up and comers” from the farm system.
I think KT will bring in that guy from Japan to play 3rd next year. I agree that Walker, Branyan, and Blum will stay. I hope they keep Roberts and Piazza here next year or do a “sign and trade” deal. I’d like to see KT “chum” the water with Linebrink and Greene to see what interest there may be and see if that can be parlayed into a bigger bat or arm.
I am super stoked and hopefully I can convince the wife to let me watch all four games. By the way, I have two tickets to Thusrday’s game against the sssssnakes. Section 315, row 2, seats 17&18. Great view of the entire field and the scoreboard. Anyone intereseted? (GY, if this is against your policy, I apologize in advance. I didn’t see any thing about it in your comments policy). They are available for face value, $26 each.
PF4L, how? (Fairly computer savy, but not an expert…)
#15: That’s a solid reason not to join in. Bonus points for calculating your kid’s age to third digit.
#16: I’ll talk to the PTB about getting an icon for Knuckle Curve — thanks for the suggestion.
#18: Interesting stuff; there certainly won’t be any shortage of things to talk about this winter. Hopefully a look back at how we won it all will be at the top of the list.
#21: Pumped? Dude, that doesn’t even begin to describe it.
“I’d like to see KT “chum†the water with Linebrink and Greene to see what interest there may be and see if that can be parlayed into a bigger bat or arm.”
#24: No worries, as long as it’s for face value (which I see it is).
PF4L e-mail me at
pffriberg at yahoo dot comm
oops 1 m
1 million?
I don’t see Walker coming back. He would sign somewhere with a starting 2B gig.
LOL @ Eric, no, 1 “m” in com
I forgot about the guy in Japan, KT will make a run at him for sure, does anyone know anyhting about the guy?
Does anyone think Pmac should get a shot at 3B if he spends the off season (AZ fall Leauges) and all of spring training working on it?
Peter Re: # 21, My first post was kind of a best case thing, I agree with you about the 85 wins though, and yes I am very Pumped for tonight!
Mike Re: #20, I dont see Eaton getting the big payday he expected after being hurt most of the last 2 seasons, I think if the pads gave him 1 year $5 mil he would think about it.
Looks good to me!
All I know is, I’m really pumped for this weekend’s games. Unfortunately I probably won’t be able to see any of them, but I’ll be following online for sure.
I just hope we can win and really skrew the Dodgers over. I’m happy with 2 outta 4 and anything else is gravy.
Peter, check your yahoo email
re: #34 and sort of #14
Eaton won’t need to think about it once some other team offers 2y/13m.
I think Meche and Eaton will cost around $15m combined. Is that a better investment than Zito? Will Meche/Eaton outproduce Zito/MThompson? Of course, with Zito, you’d have to invest more years.
I wouldn’t mind Branyan or even Walker as our starting 3b if we got a big bat elsewhere, like Tejada at short or Lee/Soriano in left.
OK, I am officially changing my handle to PF4L to save people typing. I kind of like it anyway.
I believe the Japanese 3rd baseman is Akinori Iwamura. He seems to strike our a bit, but he hit over .300, with over 30 HR, and over 100 RBI, and an OPS at or above .950 in 2004 and 2005 I could live with the Ks.
Eric Re: #37, I agree I would rather take Meche/Eaton over Zito, I would not mind it if the pads gave him 2 yrs/$13 mil, Also if the Pads could land Lee/Soriano then I think Branyan is an ok option at 3B if the pads can find someone to platoon against lefties.
Iwamura may be able to hit .300 in the US but I dont see 30 bombs. If you look at the japanese players who have made the move most have lost some of their power.
Good Thought Steve, does anyone have any concrete numbers to show before & after offensive numbers for Japaneses players coming to the US? I think it would be an interesting statistic.
I agree, but I would still expect around 20 bombs with 75+ RBIs (plus maybe a few more doubles and triples). Compared with what we’ve had the last couple of years, I’d take that along with what I expect to be a decent ability to play defense ingrained by the typical discipline from the Japanese approach to playing the field.
I think 20 may be stretching it the’s 5’10″ 175 lbs (being a lefty in petco), I see more like 15 the first 2 years and maybe going up to 20 after that.
I do think he would be a good pickup and he would fit Petco well.
Steve, I wouldn’t mind if the Padres signed Zito for $15 for two years, but it’s going to take 4-5 years. There’s NO WAY I’ll go OVER $13 for 4 and I wouldn’t go 5 unless I could get him for $10 per…
Now I have not seen this guy in action but a 5’10″ 175lb left handed batter doesn’t seem at all like a 30 HR a year major leaguer on paper (especially at Petoco). Then again isn’t that about the same size as David Wright? Who knows? One thing is FOR SURE… I am so amped for this weekend.
Padres and Dogs all weekend long
USC vs. Nebraska tomorrow
Chargers stomping the Titans on Sunday
Yeah I’m not leaving the couch!
Woo-hoo! Chargers NOT blacked out Sunday…
Peter there is no way the pads could get Zito for any of the prices that you listed, he would not have signed boras if he wasn’t in it for the big payday.
Boras will likely rotflhao at those offers.
btw, why is $52m your limit for 4 years but only $50m for 5?
re: #2 … during the AAA season, pdxbeavers.com is on my short-list … as is BA and BP … and rotoworld.com … non-baseball? just yahoo.com for headlines … and i actually like to read my local morning newspaper