Projecting Burroughs

John Sickels has posted some projections for Sean Burroughs. Here’s the piece that led to the community projections.

So, anyone here want to give it a go? Assume 500 AB, give me BA/OBP/SLG. Here’s my guess:


I know it’s high, but I’m looking for a breakout year. How about you?

9 Responses »

  1. The optimist in me wants .297 BA, .357 OBP, .415 SLG, 9 HR because I know he has it in him. Not only that, but that he can build on it and go to 15 HR annually from now on.

    But sadly, I believe it’ll be the ZIPS BTT one: .297 BA, .354 OBP, .382 SLG, 5 HR

  2. .295, .355, .405

  3. I’m interested to know if you are considering any factors other than past performance and his age … has there been any talk of adjustments to his approach to hitting? … might the competition from Nady for playing time @ 3B motivate him?

  4. I basically threw out last year since it’s not in line with what he’d done in his first full season and in the minors. I’m also assuming he’ll change his approach and drive the ball more batting lower in the order. I expect Burroughs to make modest gains on his 2003 season. Call it a hunch.

  5. I went to the Padres/Angels game today … not fun … shutdown by Paul Byrd … Loretta & Nevin & Burroughs not in the lineup (Blum & Fick & Nady instead) … Nady got one tough ground ball @ 3B and gloved it but made a bad throw (which Fick was able to catch and make a sweep tag, so it won’t show up in the box score as an error … but …)

  6. Also, Lawrence, Hammond, and Hoffman all got hit hard … at least no BBs for Lawrence … but this was basically the Angels’ B-squad (ex. no Vlad).

  7. Geoff – can you add a link to to the bar on the right? I like to check in with Ducksnorts, then see if anybody’s talkin’ Beavers … thanks!

  8. LynchMob: You’ve got it, buddy. Thanks for the reminder about PDX Beavers. I’ve added that as well as links to the official sites of Padre affiliates.

  9. And thanks for the game report! Be sure to let us know if you go to any others while you’re out there.