While Adrian Gonzalez was busy not boycotting the All-Star game, I was writing articles. I’ve got two new pieces up at Baseball Prospectus. One is my usual NL West thing ($), while the other is a group effort (free) that remembers overlooked players of the past. If the current Padres season has you down, here’s [...]
Tag Archive for ‘willie montanez’ 
Open Thread: What’s Your Lineup?
I’ve got nothing today, so let’s kick off our open thread a little early this week. My question to you: If you had to set the 2011 Padres lineup, what would it look like? Of course, other topics are fair game as well. Whatever floats your boat…
Tony Phillips (Almost) Played for the Padres?
As someone once said (or should have said), Twitter is 99% crap and 1% gold. Every now and then, you are rewarded for your patience with a nice shiny bit of information: This date in #Rangers history: (1980) Texas trades 1B Willie Montanez to the #Padres in exchange for 3B Tucker Ashford & RHP Gaylord [...]
On Local Kids and Calculated Gambles
by Geoff Young on May 11, 2011 (16) Comments
With the Padres now playing in a part of the country where games are over by the time I get home from the day job, I can’t offer much in the way of meaningful commentary beyond maybe you want to fire up the offense before the seventh inning. Instead, I’ll just make a couple of [...]