My latest at Baseball Prospectus ($) examines the Cameron Maybin/Mike Cameron comparison (their age 24 campaigns are looking pretty similar so far), Troy Tulowitzki’s extended slump, Jamie McCourt’s bout with sanity, the Giants’ recent surge and ridiculous record in one-run games, and Sean Burroughs’ return to baseball as a member of the Arizona Diamondbacks.
Tag Archive for ‘troy tulowitzki’ 
Friday Links (3 Dec 10)
If there is a worse way to travel than by airplane, I’d just as soon not know about it. Anywho, I’m back from Hawai’i with links…
Friday Links (24 Sep 10)
No airplane metaphors today, just links… Home Team Monday (Inside the Padres). From Tom Krasovic: “At some point, the Padres have to hit better than they have over the last few weeks, don’t they?” As Hemingway would say, “Isn’t it pretty to think so?” Hairston Jr.’s season ends with stress fracture ( This is a [...]
Stuff I Mostly Didn’t See on Saturday
I missed most of Saturday’s win against the Rockies. Caught the first few innings while driving to Elsinore, then heard Heath Bell’s high-wire act in the 14th. Watched a little of the rebroadcast on Channel 4 when I got home. It will shock you to learn that I have some thoughts on the game anyway: [...]
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