I’ve been busy. Part of the reason is that I’ll be contributing to two forthcoming books: The Hardball Times Baseball Annual 2010 (due out in November) and John Burnson’s Graphical Player 2010 (due out in December). I can’t go into a lot of detail just yet because — well, I’m not done writing — but [...]
Tag Archive for ‘sacrifice bunt’ 
Potential Fire Sale FAQ
Nothing has happened yet, but all indications are that life is about to get real interesting around these parts. With that in mind, here’s a little something to help you through as we move forward into the unknown… Q: What the heck is going on with the Padres? A: Principle owners John and Becky Moores [...]
Links for 28 Oct 08
Mmm, linkity link links… Padres remain a preferred spot for pitchers staging comebacks (U-T). Mark Mulder, Mark Prior, and Matt Clement all have expressed an interest in pitching for the Padres or, failing that, at least wearing the uniform. Mark Prior Halloweeen Update. Speaking of Prior, Planet Padres caught up with the right-hander at a [...]
In This Town, the Hitting Coach Wears a Red Shirt
According to Tom Krasovic at the U-T, Wally Joyner has resigned as hitting coach [h/t Sacrifice Bunt] of the San Diego Padres. In lieu of an explanation, Joyner offers this curious quote: I came to the job hoping to put my experience and ideas to good use in teaching and coaching the Padres’ hitters, but [...]
Observations from the Weekend
First off, if your #2 hitter lays down a sacrifice bunt in the first inning — as Luis Rodriguez did on Friday night — then you probably need to find another #2 hitter. Second, for as indifferent as I generally am to the stolen base, it disturbs me that Willy Taveras has more than twice [...]
First Padre Blogger Summit
Well, “summit” might be a slight exaggeration, although we were sitting pretty high up in the right-field bleachers. Regardless, on Thursday, a few of us got together for drinks and a ballgame. Attendees included Jason from Padres Revolution (aka sdpadrefan.com), Rich from San Diego Spotlight, Melvin Nieves from Sacrifice Bunt, and yours truly. We started [...]
Howlin’ Wolf and Friends Take the Fifth
Randy Wolf‘s final line looks fantastic, and he pitched a beautiful game, but it didn’t seem dominant while I was watching. The Rockies hitters probably have a different opinion. Because my job is to pick nits, I found myself wondering why Wolf needed to throw so many pitches. He walked four and fanned nine, which [...]
Friday Links (11 Apr 08)
Quick reminder: The Ducksnorts 2008 Baseball Annual is on sale. People tell me it doesn’t suck, so go buy a copy or three. To the links… Jake Peavy has a mysterious substance on his hand (Yahoo!, h/t Kevin) and suddenly the “national” media knows where San Diego is. Solid effort, guys. Love this quote from [...]
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