My latest at Hardball Times is part of their annual “Five Questions” series and focuses on our favorite team. One of my questions deals with Cameron Maybin, who is a key to this franchise in many ways right now: Oliver likes his chances this season, setting the bar at .271/.339/.422, which looks suspiciously like what [...]
Tag Archive for ‘ryan webb’ 
Cameron Maybin: When a Player’s Perceived Value Plummets, That’s the Time to Grab Him
I heard about the Cameron Maybin trade while I was in Arizona, taking in some AFL games (more on that later in the week). I thought about it a lot on the drive home and shared the gist of my conclusion on Twitter: Even if Maybin ends up stinking, so what? Webb and Mujica can [...]
Friday Links (12 Nov 10)
One of the great things about doing crossword puzzles is that you get to use words that you would never, in any other circumstance, get to use. “Oleo” is my favorite. It shows up at least twice a week and usually is accompanied by a clue that reads, “Fridge item that you don’t call by [...]
One Down, Two to Go
The Padres took round 1 Friday night in San Francisco. I still marvel at the fact that a team given no chance in March is fighting for a playoff berth come the season’s final weekend. Whatever the outcome, 2010 has been an unqualified success for the Padres. Anyone who says otherwise is rewriting history.
Playoff Shuffle (25 Sep 10)
What am I doing here on a Saturday? Pennant fever, baby. It’s like 2007 all over again, but without all the stress. If the Padres win, great; if not, it’ll be disappointing but not devastating. They were supposed to suck this year, so it’s all bonus time. At best, the Padres embarrass a lot of [...]
Padres Drop Series to Marlins; On the Bright Side, People Actually Saw It
Too bad nothing happened over the weekend, eh? This time of the year is so boring. Well, except for the Padres acquiring Miguel Tejada and Ryan Ludwick for three minor-league pitchers of minimal concern… and playing meaningful games against the Marlins in front of packed houses at Petco Park. Funny, I don’t remember any of [...]
Padres Take Two in Houston, Give Third Away
One of the hazards of watching a lot of games at Petco Park is a skewed sense of how hard a ball needs to be struck to leave the yard. I caught a few innings of a Mets-Phillies game on TV the other night, and baseballs were flying out of Citizens Bank Park. I had [...]
Tuesday’s Win Deserves a Better Title Than This
The first seven innings of Tuesday night’s comeback victory over the Rockies provided an exercise in frustration for the home team and its fans. The Padres put runners on every inning, and got at least one man into scoring position in each of the fourth through seventh innings, yet plated just one run. Colorado starter [...]
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