I’ve been thinking about Nick Hundley’s future again. It’s becoming a problem for me… thinking about Hundley’s future, not Hundley himself. If you’ve been following along, you know that my pet comps for Hundley are Ron Karkovice, Jason LaRue, and maybe Mike Macfarlane if I’m feeling extra confident. I recently ran more numbers and found [...]
Tag Archive for ‘ron karkovice’ 
In Defense of Nick Hundley
Steve at Friarhood Radio recently had me on his show to discuss Jed Hoyer’s off-season moves, the role of sabermetrics in today’s game, and more. I get all rambly, as usual, but it was good fun. Big thanks to Steve for the chat. One item that came up in conversation is whether Nick Hundley can [...]
Three Random Comparisons
Just some stuff that’s been on my mind of late… stats are through July 22. Nick Hundley, Ron Karkovice, Jason LaRue, Mike Macfarlane In the Ducksnorts 2009 Baseball Annual, I compared Hundley to a couple of defense-first, swing-for-the-fences catchers. In the interest of accountability, I thought I’d see how these guys stack up at the [...]
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