I dreamed of Jeff Reardon. We were discussing the nature of regret. I was walking through a park with a girl I once knew. We held hands as we walked and then kissed. I woke up and made coffee, only I wasn’t awake and I wasn’t making coffee. Dreams are confusing. Let’s just do links [...]
Tag Archive for ‘lou piniella’ 
Bud Black and Pitchouts
We’ve noted that Bud Black has done a good job of protecting his pitchers in three years as manager of the Padres. At the end of that little ditty, I alluded to another aspect of Black’s managerial style that caught my eye. I speak of his affinity for the pitchout. Black led National League managers [...]
Q&A with Tom Krasovic
Tom Krasovic has been covering the Padres for the San Diego Union-Tribune since 1994. Recently he took time out of his busy schedule to discuss baseball, the beat, and life. We exchanged emails over the course of several days, and although it’s difficult to convey certain nuances over the ‘net, Krasovic’s passion for the game [...]
Bochy to Giants?
As you know, Padres manager Bruce Bochy recently was considered for the Cubs vacancy before they settled on Lou Piniella. Now apparently the Giants have come calling. Just like last winter, when Kevin Towers interviewed for the GM opening in Arizona, the Padres have opened themselves to the risk of losing a key member of [...]
The Bud Black Extension
by Geoff Young on Jul 22, 2010 (1) Comments
As you probably know, Padres skipper Bud Black has had his contract extended through 2013, with club options for 2014 and 2015. I should say a few words about that. Okay: I like it. Hmmm, maybe that was too few words. Let me elaborate.