Life has kept me from watching as much baseball as I would like in recent weeks. Nothing serious… I mean, it’s just life after all. I did manage to catch bits and pieces of the series in Denver. It should come as no great surprise that I have some thoughts on the games, nor that [...]
Tag Archive for ‘jay payton’ 
Jason Kendall: Another Story That Won’t Die
About halfway down the page of a recent Baseball Prospectus chat with Chris Kahrl there is an item that caught my attention. Okay, it caught Charlie Wilmoth’s attention and Charlie’s comment caught mine. The question has to do with Sean Burroughs and whether he might be a candidate for a deal to the Pirates for, [...]
With Half a Season Remaining, I’m Already Running Low on Ellipses
by Geoff Young on Jul 08, 2010 (1) Comments
One of the joys of east coast road trips is that, thanks to the day gig, I almost never catch any of the action. I heard exactly two pitches as I started driving home on Tuesday evening: strike one and game over. Well, that was a nice way to pass the time during my commute. [...]