Tag Archive for ‘home field disadvantage’ rss

Like Taking Candy from Fish in a Barrel

Swept by the hated Mariners by a combined score of 14-2? Nice of the Padres to make a cameo in Seattle’s weekend romp through our humble hamlet. The Padres are now 8-18 at Petco Park and have been outscored 109-59, or by roughly two runs a game. Here is where pithy commentary on an increasingly [...]

At Least the Burgers Were Delicious

Stopped at Elsinore, overlooking empty ballpark. Sipping coffee, chewing on Posnanski’s advice to stay humble as a writer… Don’t preconceive. Don’t hesitate to ask questions that might make you look dumb. Don’t linger too long in your comfort zone. Bearing this in mind, I ask a question: “With one quarter of the season behind us, [...]

Where’s Tim Hyers When You Need Him?

After Tuesday night’s thrashing at the hands of the Atlanta Braves, the Padres are proud owners of a 9-15 record, tied with “natural rival” Seattle for worst in MLB. They are 4-10 at Petco Park… so much for home field advantage (nothing new for the Padres, in fact, but that’s a story for another day). [...]